Dios Doors and Windows 2022 Distributor Strategy Summit and Champion New Product Conference Held Ceremoniously

from:Network date:2022-02-28 reading:1540

On February 26, the 2022-dealer Strategic Summit and champion new product conference of Dios doors and windows with the theme of "gathering potential · Taking Off" was held ceremoniously in Foshan, China. Wu sibing, chairman of Yongxing Group, Wu Shangrong, president of Dios doors and windows, Zhang Gangcheng, general manager of marketing, Xie Zhiling, deputy general manager, assistant to chairman Zeng Jun, Luo Cong, director of marketing, Lai Jiangping, director of production plant, Zhou Pengfei, director of investment promotion, brand manager Zhong Guojun, training manager Ji Yunfei, R & D manager Zhong Minhui, design manager Zong Xuetao, wooden door production factory director Liang Huanying and other leaders gathered in Foshan with DEOS doors and windows distributors partners from all over the country, focus on the exploration of the door and window customization industry in the post-epidemic era and the model evolution in the new consumption era to empower new growth.

On the first day of the conference, Wu sibing, chairman of Yongxing Group, delivered a speech to the conference. Wu Dong said that in the era of epidemic, in the face of changing consumption patterns and changing industry environment, Dios doors and windows still sang all the way and achieved good results in 2021. In Wu Dong's view, this is due to Dios's adherence to his original intention, absolute strict and absolutely standardized management and service, and "practicing internal skills"! In 2022, Dios's thinking was obviously clearer. By means of optimization and adjustment, intensive cultivation, transformation and innovation, it injected sustainable development genes and strong internal drive into its steady growth., the whole dimension empowers partners to consolidate the system and drive Dios to achieve a continuous leap in scale and strength!

Wu sibing, chairman of Yongxing Group, delivered a speech to the conference

The agenda of the conference is divided into two parts. The first day is the distributor training Summit. Cheng Yong, a senior trainer of terminal practical marketing, brings full of marketing dry goods. The door and window industry is known as the last piece of cake in the home building materials industry. In recent years, the door and window brands have shown explosive growth. Only by thinking about change and innovation can a new vitality be brewed. Teacher Cheng's course breaks through the inherent thinking, reshapes the top-level design, and outputs a more scientific and effective store operation system for the students.

For distributors, innovating the operation system is to make customers feel comfortable, competitive, performance increase and burden reduction, and ignite the strong engine of terminal rapid development. For consumers, they can tailor an integrated, life-oriented, high quality, and good-looking comfortable home for customers. This will be the "way" for Dios to double its performance in 2022 ".

During the training, the students showed the elegant demeanour of Dios one after another-listening attentively, taking notes carefully, displaying Team Image, interacting with games and other links made the students realize the importance of teamwork.

With the upgrading of consumption and the arrival of new consumption era, the traditional marketing mode is being impacted more and more. Consumers pay more and more attention to scenario-based sales, what they see is what they get -- the overall design scheme of spatialization, individualization and specialization. According to the personalized needs of consumers, Dios and kujiale jointly customize the "terminal design skills improvement plan" to promote the transformation of traditional shopping guides and design shopping guides and strengthen the design and marketing competitiveness of terminal stores.

On the first day of the meeting, the course content, which focuses on marketing practice, was full of dry goods, which made the present students benefit a lot.

On February 27, Dios will join hands with the Winter Olympics champion to release its new 2020 product!