Gathering Momentum to Win the Future | 2022 Yifa Doors and Windows Opening Year Mobilization Conference and 315 Activity Oath Conference Was a Complete Success

from:Network date:2022-02-28 reading:1526

The beginning is the decisive battle, the beginning is the sprint!2 from 21th to 22th,2022yifa doors and windows opening year mobilization conference +315 activity oath conference with the theme of "gathering momentum and winning the future" the conference room on the fourth floor of Yifa headquarters was held ceremoniously. All the marketing center personnel of Yifa doors and windows participated in this conference, arranging troops for the new year's work journey and opening the door to win.

The war is coming, and the training goes first. Only through continuous learning and improvement can the "transformation" of the Iron Army team be truly realized ".

In order to meet the new situation of market development in 2022, the actual combat lecturer of the business school of Yifa headquarters took the initiative to attack. Through teaching, interaction, practice, examination, evaluation and other methods, from brand introduction, product Foundation, marketing system, courses such as product planning, sales skills, store upgrading, and dealer empowerment comprehensive training, it aims at marketing personnel to refine their internal skills, consolidate their basic abilities and strengthen their professional skills.

... Practical lecturer of Yifa door and window Business School

In order to consolidate the learning achievements of the members, the actual combat lecturer of Yifa business school specially formulated a series of assessment tests to test the learning achievements. Make a list of outstanding members after class to show encouragement.

Qiu nanqiu, marketing director of Yifa doors and windows, made an in-depth interpretation of the brand plan of Yifa doors and windows in 2022 from six dimensions: Brand, terminal, media, space, training and products. Put forward four important measures of brand upgrade, publicity upgrade, channel upgrade and product upgrade, so as to build an independent brand IP activity system, a benchmark replicable terminal operation system, differentiated product systems are designed to empower terminals, further strengthen the brand strategic goal of "marketing Tiejun" in the new year.

... Qiu Nan, marketing director of Yifa doors and windows

Part.03 Li Jun

learn from outstanding individuals and set standards for the team ". The first batch of honorary titles of "practical lecturer" of Yifa business school was officially awarded and started, encouraging outstanding individuals to drive excellent teams, and combining the perfect "education" system of Yifa business school to improve the team target limit and enterprise competitiveness.

Yifa doors and windows adhere to the concept of winning the first battle. In order to fight this battle well, chen Yuanhang, the active marketing director of Yifa doors and windows, made a detailed interpretation of the 315 battle plan, encouraging all combat soldiers to fight and forge ahead towards their goals.

... Chen Yuanhang, active marketing director of Yifa doors and windows

Finally, Chen Yingchen, general manager of Yifa doors and windows, announced the strategic deployment of the 2022 double 100 battle. To achieve effective Strategies for strategic objectives, with war"Drive growth to" war"Forging team, " fight "to overcome difficulties and fight tirelessly to win the new goal victory in 2022 and win the market.

... Chen Ying, general manager of Yifa doors and windows

Gather to set sail and win the future together. In 2022, Yifa doors and windows launched a strong attack, forge ahead, and will surely win the overall victory of this battle!