Hennessy Doors and Windows Rongdeng 315 Home Consumption Quality Service List

from:Network date:2022-03-17 reading:1573

On March 15, the research conference on the quality service of 2022 Youju 315 household consumption launched by yuyouju and Tencent home | Shell was launched in the form of online live broadcast.

2022 Youju 315 household consumption quality service survey, facing the whole house customization, finished furniture, ceramics, bathroom, floor, doors and windows, wooden doors, integrated kitchen, comfortable home system, more than 100 brands in top ten categories such as home decoration have been investigated.

The research mainly has two dimensions, one is the service dimension, mainly through the brand's service process and standards, business reservation channels, customer service response and return visit specifications, door-to-door measure gauge, the specifications, delivery cycle, after-sales service management, complaint handling mechanism and other sub-items of the design drawings and modification drawings are evaluated. First, the quality dimension, we have drawn up corresponding scoring standards according to different industries. For door and window categories, we mainly include the environmental protection level of products, product materials and processes, product structural advantages, supply chain equipment, product design advantages, production delivery advantages and after-sales policies and other sub-assessment standards. Each assessment item will have a scoring range, and the cumulative total score will be ranked to select the top 10 brands in each sub-industry.

Hennessy doors and windows topped the Top 10 list of doors and windows industry with high-quality brand consumption services. Hennessy doors and windows with high quality products to establish deep links with users, with quality service to highlight the brand attitude, successfully passed the 315 consumer quality service survey test, stand out, is a well-deserved home consumption quality service model.

Hennessy doors and windows were founded in 2004. Its enterprise scale, production technology and product solutions are all at the forefront in China. It is the first door and window brand operating in the "franchise" mode in China, it has four major production bases in the country, and its strength ensures the stability of supply and quality, providing customers and consumers with a perfect quality system.

As the leading brand in the door and window industry and the "partner of China's aerospace industry", Hennessy doors and windows adhere to the spirit of Oriental ARTISAN, advocate new space aesthetics + concept, while constantly pursuing scientific and technological innovation, always stick to the demand of consumption upgrading, create quality with ingenuity, comprehensively improve the research and development ability and innovation ability of product technology, and continuously bring more fashionable, high-quality and intelligent door and window products to the vast number of consumers.

In the new consumption era, consumers no longer regard price as the only indicator when choosing brands. Product quality, sales volume, reputation evaluation, brand value and other factors have become the factors for consumers to consider comprehensively, household consumption service faces more challenges and opportunities, and household enterprises also shoulder more brand missions and social responsibilities.

It is worth mentioning that the 2022 China household consumption trend survey was officially launched. The survey is aimed at the National Pan-household building materials industry. The team of Youju news center will go deep into the front line of the enterprise and conduct in-depth research and interviews, the annual list and report are formed and officially released at the annual meeting of Youju at the end of the year. In the future, Youju will also join hands with more excellent enterprises and platforms to jointly help the construction and development of beautiful people.

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