Fuxuan Doors and Windows Spring New Employees Set Sail Training Camp a Complete Success

from:Network date:2022-03-17 reading:1498

New starting point, new journey

in 2022 spring of the year

we are delighted to welcome

another batch of fresh blood is added to fuxuan's doors and windows.

Develop side by side and share the future

let's review it together.

Wonderful training for new employees

In order to help new employees understand the enterprise culture, development history, Operation Status and rules and regulations of fuxuan's doors and windows in an all-round way, help new employees adapt to the new working environment better and faster, and enhance their sense of identity and belonging, 3 month 15 rifuxuan held doors and windows of the whole House 2022 year 1 -- 3 new employees set sail for training camp in the month ".

The training contents mainly include: Company introduction, corporate culture, factory discipline, salary system, employee welfare, safety production knowledge, fire fighting knowledge, 5S management and other content, every new employee can fully understand the development of the company, learn the corporate culture of fuxuan doors and windows, and improve professional quality, let them integrate into this big family in the shortest time, work happily and live happily.

Through this new employee training conference, the newly added families not only have a brand-new understanding of the company, but also have more confidence in their own growth and future development, it is hoped that new employees will give full play to their subjective initiative in the process of work, face new jobs and meet new challenges with a better attitude. On the way to success, fuxuan's doors and windows grow and develop together with everyone!