China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association and Nanhai Aluminum Association Visit Huachang Group for Guidance

from:Network date:2022-03-18 reading:1461

On March 16, leaders of China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association and Nanhai Aluminum Association visited Huachang for research and guidance. Pan Shuhua, deputy general manager of the group, Yang Jinhua, assistant general manager, and other leaders warmly received them.

General manager pan warmly welcomed the visit of the association, expressed sincere gratitude to the Association for its help and support in the past, and introduced to the leaders of the association that the production capacity and sales data of the company have increased significantly since the beginning of 2022, the opening momentum is gratifying, and the group is full of hope for the market in 2022. In addition, the industrial profile production base built by the company in Zhaoqing fourth meeting is also about it is put into production and mainly produces lightweight aluminum products for automobiles. In the future, Huachang group will gradually enter the fields of automobile lightweight, home furnishing, photovoltaic and so on, and implement diversified development strategies.

General manager Yang made a brief report to the leaders of the association on the core technology advantages, service characteristics and future development plans. The leaders of both sides exchanged and discussed relevant issues such as the future development of aluminum processing industry.

A group of people from China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association listened to the report of Huachang's development strategy and fully affirmed the achievements made in the past 30 years since Huachang started its business.

Lu Jian, deputy secretary general of China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association, said that providing quality services for enterprise development is the top priority of the association. The association has always attached great importance to the balanced and multi-directional development of the industry, solicited opinions from various enterprises in the industry, formulated policies to integrate resources according to the needs of enterprises, and actually promoted the sound development of the industry and enterprises. At the same time, for many questions raised by enterprises, the association is also working hard to collect suggestions from all parties and actively promote relevant departments to give policy support. It is hoped that Huachang will grasp the good development momentum of the increasing market demand year by year, drive the development of an industry with advanced concepts and modes, and make more contributions to the development of the industry.