New Standard Doors and Windows 365 Full Waiting System Helps Improve the Quality of National Sleep!

from:Network date:2022-03-21 reading:1544

March 21 is the 22nd World Sleep Day. According to the survey data of China Sleep Research Association, more than 0.3 billion people in China have sleep disorders.

With the rapid development of society, people have been in a fast-paced living environment and high-intensity working pressure for a long time. "lack of sleep" has become the normal state of the public, and sleep problems have become social problems. How can we achieve "sleep freedom" and unlock a good night? Maybe a door and window can help you!

Analyze the consumption demand of doors and windows market

with the successive introduction of national policies such as "double carbon", energy conservation and emission reduction, as well as the improvement of national consumption level and living concept, the requirements of consumer market for door and window products have gradually increased.

Nowadays, consumers' demand for home decoration doors and windows has extended from focusing on product quality to focusing on product performance. The research of 2022 White Paper on inclusive development of doors and windows in China shows that consumers have a clearer pursuit of the functions of doors and windows products, and the performance of doors and windows such as sound insulation, heat preservation and wind resistance has become the primary demand.

At the level of noise protection alone, the state decided to implement the noise pollution prevention and control law of the people's republic of china from June 5 this year to establish the general requirements for the prevention and control of noise pollution in the new era and redefine the connotation of noise pollution. To a certain extent, the quality of life of the people is guaranteed and the sleep problem of the public is relieved.

Full weather system helps sleep upgrade

as the leader of the industry, the new standard doors and windows actively responded to the national call of "healthy China", launched 365 all-weather system, and continued cooperation with Chief European consultant Giuseppe rockdi, it promotes the innovation and upgrading of the performance of the whole weather system, and has obtained more than 100 technology patents and three world authoritative certifications to create a weather-resistant performance matrix that integrates air tightness, wind pressure resistance, sound insulation, heat insulation, etc.

In a prosperous city, noise pollution has become an important "culprit" affecting our sleep quality. Secondly, indoor temperature and humidity are also major factors affecting sleep. At this time, there is a sealed weather-resistant door and window, it is extremely important.

New standard doors and windows original 3s sealing patent technology, using silicon titanium and magnesium aluminum alloy aviation grade aluminum, new national standard 2.0 thick profile, with 3 Sealing Strip Design, 3 layers of hollow tempered glass and 3 layers of stepped drainage. 3 re-sealing function, ring tight, effectively block out noise, rain, heat and moisture, heat preservation and energy saving, sealing and weather resistance.

3-layer hollow glass glass

3 sealant strip

3-layer stepped drainage