New Guanhao Built the Future | in 2022 Guanhao Doors and Windows Spring New Business Training Camp Was a Complete Success!

from:Network date:2022-03-28 reading:1640

Spring symbolizes new life and growth. Recently, the 3-day spring training camp for new merchants in 2022 was held ceremoniously at Guanhao doors and windows Foshan headquarters. In this training camp, Guanhao doors and windows prepared a variety of courses for new merchants who came to study. The courses covered many aspects such as door and window knowledge and negotiation skills, the practical exercise of customs clearance one by one enables the students to do a solid job and realize terminal empowerment.

The training camp was held as scheduled, and Xiao Jian, the operation director of Guanhao Doors and Windows Store, led the trainees to launch the camp.

Then Zhu zuhuan, general manager of Guanhao doors and windows marketing, shared with you the brand development process of Guanhao doors and windows and systematic analysis of doors and windows industry, so that the trainees had a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the company and industry.

Then Liu Yong, a senior lecturer in the door and window industry, taught the students one by one on the basic selling points of vertical hinged door, casement window, sliding door and sunshine room. The students benefited a lot and had a clearer understanding and understanding of the product situation, preliminary mastery of product sales skills.

Kang Hanrui, research and development director of Guanhao doors and windows, led the students to visit Guanhao 4.0 intelligent manufacturing factory, explained Guanhao's production process and technological level, and deepened their understanding of the factory's production level, production capacity and product quality.

Workshop learning, such as passing through the gap. Later, under the guidance of the instructors, the students returned to the training camp again to learn the essence of the training content of doors and windows. Teacher Liu Yong and Teacher Kang Hanrui took turns to introduce the samples of the exhibition hall, the contact of real products, together with vivid teaching methods, made the scene atmosphere reach a boom. The combination of theory and practice, after the systematic study of products, the students passed the examination through on-site product knowledge, further improving professional knowledge and consolidating professional skills.

In the next two days of training, the students treated them with full enthusiasm and positive attitude.

Sun Yanqiang, an R & D engineer of Guanhao doors and windows, taught everyone how to use the product Technical Manual. Teacher Kang Hanrui taught measure gauge standard skills and the ordering skills of Sunshine rooms and special-shaped products.

Tang Ling, assistant to Guanhao door and window marketing director and customer service supervisor, used his professional knowledge to teach students the practical essentials of ordering software application and factory order docking.

Wu Lan, the head of Guanhao doors and windows documentary department, introduced to the students the specific process of professional services such as product quotation, customer service docking and after-sales docking. Then Wang Tao, the operation department of Guanhao Doors and Windows Store, shared with the students the installation specifications and skills of doors and windows.

Later, teacher Xiao Jian conducted theoretical explanation and case analysis on customer reception process and customer follow-up skills respectively, and conducted a sales skills and knowledge clearance examination.

At the closing ceremony, the students ended the training camp with excellent results and started a brand-new journey.

In 2022, Guanhao doors and windows spring new business training battle camp was successfully concluded. Facing the rapid development of doors and windows industry, Guanhao doors and windows will continue to empower, helping terminals seize the opportunity of vigorous development and meet the arduous and severe challenges, let's go all out to win the terminal and create better performance.