Canode CCTV Advertising Is Officially Launched, Covering a Wide Range of Countries!

from:Network date:2022-03-28 reading:1609

Start time: March 28 to April 1, 2022

CCTV is the most influential TV media in the country. The advertising broadcast on CCTV strongly witnessed the strong brand power of canode. With the start of advertising, the brand awareness and influence of canode have increased to the next level.

For a long time, canode has continuously invested heavily in brand promotion in many media, especially in recent years, in addition to large-scale publicity in network media such as TikTok, WeChat, portal websites, and new media, also log in airport, high-speed rail the exhibition and broadcasting, and now through CCTV, have achieved full coverage from the ground to the air and built a three-dimensional communication system.

| High-speed rail advertising

| Airport advertising

Canode doors and windows have been founded for ten years, and their strength has been growing. While building a solid foundation for product quality and internal management, they have promoted brand awareness and brand image through various channels to realize products, high quality development of service and brand.

In the future, canode will continue to invest plus-sized in brand promotion, resolutely take the road of branding and forge ahead towards the ambitious goal of a century-old brand.