Roland Sini 315 National Linkage Is Fully Closed! Hundred Cities War, Sales Exceeded 100 Million!

from:Network date:2022-03-29 reading:1649

Roland Sini system doors and windows champion recommend quality 315 -- professional good goods customization Festival" the event ended successfully a few days ago. During the 315 event, Roland Sini specially invited Deng Kexin, the Olympic champion of women's gymnastics, and Xu Lijia, the champion of sailing world, to call the brand, so as to enhance the trust and love of consumers and expand the brand influence; at the same time, the online new retail and offline regional advantage resources are deeply integrated to achieve a steady improvement in the sales performance of terminal stores. Through this 315 National linkage hundred cities War, Roland Sini achieved a feat of sales exceeding 100 million, with a completion rate of 108%!

Through the form of national linkage, under the unified deployment of Roland Sini headquarters, distributors continuously transmit multi-level and multi-dimensional information about brands, products, activities and preferential policies to consumers through phased instruction execution, to increase consumers' trust in Terminal Stores and effectively promote the final transaction.

Take the initiative to meet the challenge. The gold medal lecturer team of the business school joined hands with the terminal combat forces of the active marketing department to visit terminal stores to help and empower them face to face during the 315 National linkage, provide reliable guidance and professional technical support for distributors.

315 during the national linkage activity, Roland Sini brand department specially launched the most beautiful store selection contest, # I love quality doors and windows TikTok short video contest and "Professional good goods customization festival" live broadcast activity, multi-platform synchronization realizes the co-creation of content between headquarters and terminal stores, which not only shows the outstanding elegant demeanour of all stores in the country, but also brings practical preferential benefits to consumers.

At the 315 National linkage full stage summary meeting held recently, Hao Xiaolong, the sales director of Roland Sini, fully affirmed the performance of this national linkage, it is said that the headquarters will join hands with the terminal to explore the growth point of multi-form linkage mode in the rapid development of brand marketing. It also hopes to empower the output through multi-form activities, which will not only help distributors achieve performance growth, it also realizes the shaping of its own real operating core, sustainable, replicable, and self-drive.

Gather upward strength and go with outstanding peers. All members of Roland Sini will continue to give full play to their advantages, constantly overcome the influence brought by market fluctuations, and create more new glories!