Zhi Shang Sunshine Doors and Windows Decisive Battle April Oath Conference Successfully Held

from:Network date:2022-04-01 reading:1434

Grand barrier and endless road is really like iron, and now we are moving from beginning to end. In order to boost morale, the decisive battle was 2022 to ensure the successful completion of the target in the second quarter. On March 31, the headquarters of Sunshine doors and windows held a grand meeting of the 4-month Oath division in the decisive battle on Zhi Shang, zhi Shang sunshine doors and windows general manager Lai of the marketing center, manager Luo of the production center, manager Li of PMC and other company leaders and all members of the marketing center attended the meeting together.

Manager Lai, marketing center

manager Luo of production center

PMC manager Li

At the beginning of the meeting, after the corporate culture was read out, all departments of the marketing center took office in turn. Summarize the past and analyze the situation; Look forward to the future. Everyone is full of passion and pride, set goals, pursue victory and create good results.

Standing as evidence, mission must be reached

if you dare to face difficulties, you will not disgrace your mission. In a passionate atmosphere, the conference entered the stage. Under the leadership of the heads of various departments, Zhi Shang sunshine soldiers signed a military order symbolizing honor and mission to show their determination. The military order is in hand, be charged with important tasks, and it will certainly not be afraid of difficulties, go forward bravely, and ensure that all indicators will be completed within the specified time.

With such a benchmark team, he worries that he has no achievements in the road ahead. With a higher oath, the fervent atmosphere is higher than the waves, and there is strength in the heart. In order to let every Chinese family use the original heart of high quality doors and windows, passion is high!

Defend the goal with hard work

stick to honor with actions

zhi Shang Sunshine takes this opportunity


the decisive battle will reach its peak in April!