Aluminum News | International Aluminum Association: It Is Estimated That Global Aluminum Demand Will Increase by 40% in 2030, and China's Demand Will Reach 12.3 Million Tons Per Year!

from:Network date:2022-04-07 reading:2810

International Aluminum Association: estimated 2030 global aluminum demand quantity will grow40%, chinese demand every year shida12.3 million tons!

Recently, a report released by the International Aluminum Association predicts that the global aluminum demand will increase by 40% by 2030. It is calculated that global aluminum industry needs to increase the overall output of virgin aluminum by 33.3 million tons every year to meet this growth demand. This title Opportunities For aluminum In A Post-Covid Economy(Opportunities for aluminum industry in the economic situation after the new Crown epidemic) The report also predicts that the demand for transportation, construction, packaging and electrical industries will increase the most. According to the report, these four industries may account for 75% of the increase in aluminum demand in this decade.

Commenting on the results of the report, Miles Prosser, secretary general of the International Aluminum Association, said: "The purpose of the International Aluminum Association to complete this report is to better understand the driving factors of future aluminum demand, and determine what we need to do as an industry to meet consumers' expectations of demand and sustainability. The data in the report shows that as the society pays more and more attention to efficiency and sustainability, the market opportunities of aluminum also increase. In every industry, key demand drivers are closely related to sustainability and climate change."

02 according to the report, in the field of transportation, the decarburization policy combined with the transformation of fossil fuels will greatly increase the output of electric vehicles to 31.7 million vehicles in 2030 (by contrast, 199000 vehicles in 2020). Future, industry the demand for renewable energy will increase, the demand for aluminum for solar panels will also increase, and the demand for copper cables for power distribution will also increase. All in all, by 2030, the power sector will need an additional 5.2 million tons.

In addition, due to the increasing popularity of canned beverages in China, North America and Europe, the demand for aluminum packaging materials is expected to increase from 7.2 million tons in 2020 to 10.5 million tons in 2030. The surge in demand for environmentally friendly packaging combined with new products is also one of the reasons driving demand growth.


the report also shows that, expected china's demand every year shida12.3 million tons, expected growth will account for two thirds of the total. While other parts of Asia are expected to need 8.6 million tons virgin aluminum per year, Europe is expected to need 4.8 million tons per year, and North America is expected to need 5.1 million tons per year, these four regions will account for more than 90% of the world's new aluminum demand.

"When we seek a sustainable future in the decarburized world, aluminum has the quality that consumers pursue-- Good conductor of strength, light weight, wide application, corrosion resistance, heat and electricity and recyclable."Prosser added and concluded, near production in the past of the 1.5 billion tons of aluminum, about 75% is still in production., this metal is a cutting-edge material for many industrial and engineering innovations in the 20th century and will continue to provide power for sustainable development in the future. How to use "sustainable way" to meet the growing demand is a challenge facing the whole value chain.