The Summary of the First Quarter of 2022 and the Planning Meeting of the Second Quarter of Shengxiang Group's Major Customer Business Unit Were Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2022-04-08 reading:1669

On April 6, 2022, the first quarter summary and second quarter planning meeting of Shengxiang group's major customer business department with the theme of "stable basic disk, run to win the new track" were successfully held through online and offline linkage.

Shengxiang Group colleagues in major customer business department, leaders of relevant departments of the group, the general managers of the four direct platform companies, the general managers of many branches nationwide and the core business members participated in this meeting together.

Mr. Jian-Jun Chen, chairman of Shengxiang group, Mr. Wu Guhua, president of Daya Shengxiang household Co., Ltd., Mr. Liu Haitao, vice president of Shengxiang group, and Mr. Han Haifeng also attended the meeting, and give guidance to the work of the major customer division.


Work Report

This meeting mainly focuses on the summary of the first quarter of 2022 and the work plan of the second quarter.

The heads of each department of the major customer division, the heads of the four direct platform companies and some branches reported, and once again reached a consensus and unified position on the future work direction and the goals to be completed, and analyze and plan the target, and formulate key implementable paths for the signing, outbound and collection plans in the second quarter, this paper gives a detailed introduction to the empowerment that the manufacturing end can provide for business development..


Leadership speech

Mr. Du Xiaodong, general manager of major customer division of Shengxiang Group indicates, completed in the first quarter double adjustment of organizational structure and business structure of major customer business unit, the cause of the business results is analyzed. In the work arrangement of the second quarter, the work was deployed from eight aspects, including marketing activities, business structure adjustment, personnel training and platform construction, to ensure the achievement of the overall goal for the whole year.

Mr. Han Haifeng, vice president of Shengxiang Group indicates, under the uncertain market environment, it is necessary to stabilize the floor business basic disk, and at the same time actively carry out new competition tracks of non-residential and non-floor materials, so as to realize the rapid development of new competition tracks with basic disk as the guarantee., focusing on core customers, core regions and core teams. As the wood-made integrated business of the new channel, the second quarter should focus on the flow of the floor and wooden door business.

Mr. Wu Guhua, president of Daya Shengxiang household Co., Ltd. He said that in the face of the impact of the market environment and the epidemic, the major customer business department should deepen the real estate business, actively develop non-real estate business, coordinate and coordinate the resources of the whole system internally, and improve the organization and management, make every effort to ensure the achievement of the annual goals of the major customer division.

Chairman's speech

Mr. Jian-Jun Chen, chairman of Shengxiang Group in his speech, he said:

" faced with market uncertainties this year, we should accelerate the integration of production, supply, marketing and research, improve quality and efficiency, and improve the ability to cope with market changes.

At the same time, implement the business policy determined at the beginning of the year. As basic disk, the stock market should continue to maintain a leading position in the market share, provide good products and good services around core customers, and provide scenario solutions to enhance customer value. And actively explore the incremental market in the non-residential field, give full play to the advantages of the Holy elephant industry chain and supply chain, and open up the incremental market situation.

The more complex the market environment is, the more we need to sink our heart to think deeply, clarify our thinking, find clear goals and directions, and resolutely implement the implementation. The team of the major customer business department is a team with excellent style and once created brilliant achievements. We should renew our sense of mission and continue to carry forward the spirit of strivers for entrepreneurship and innovation. We believe that everyone can fight and win the battle. "


Meeting site skim shadow

Although this meeting was affected by the epidemic distributed in all over the country nearly two hundred family members of the Holy elephant still overcome difficulties and communicate through online meetings.

Although people cannot get together, the bright red pictures on the line closely unite our enthusiasm.

Shengxiang major customer business unit special forces"

Always an excellent team

Over the past 14 years, it has continuously created glory.


Major customer special forces must also

Shoulder the mission, unite as one, and achieve the mission