Roland Sini 2022 Flying Lion Conference 1-March Summary Commendation Conference Was Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2022-04-09 reading:1523

On the evening of April 7, 2022, Roland Sini's general meeting and commendation meeting from January to March of 2022 was successfully held in Qiandeng Lake marketing center in the form of online live broadcast!

▲Roland Sini 2022th Flying Lion meeting 1-3 month General summary commendation conference live broadcast

in the post-epidemic era, home has become a normal choice for consumers to have. In this form, the offline traffic has dropped sharply, and the impact on Terminal Stores is particularly strong. How to break the bureau and open up a new online marketing path has become the focus of upgrading the marketing strategy of major doors and windows brands.

▲ teacher Jiang-Bo Li, leader of Roland Sini Youshang project and senior consultant of Guangzhou Jianzhong

under the background of the industry reshuffle due to the epidemic, Roland Sini actively sought new channels for marketing growth, and helped the distributors members of feishi Association take the lead in realizing the innovative transformation of terminal store operation mode through pilot operations, continuously optimize the support and empowerment system of the headquarters, improve the applicability of the marketing model and the replicability of marketing content output, and further enhance the sustainable profitability of terminal stores under the heavy burden of the epidemic.

▲Roland Sini 2022 Flying Lion Association 1-3 month youxiu commendation part

by digging deep into the potential consumption demand of doors and windows, Roland Sini directed online traffic to terminal stores through e-commerce platforms, enabling terminals to realize the merging of public and private traffic.

As a learning platform for exchange and mutual assistance among outstanding distributors in Roland Sini, feishi will not only provide dealers with opportunities to exchange mutual promotion and management experience, but also by jumping out of the traditional management thinking framework, create a replicable marketing model and continuously carry out brand-new business content output, so that Roland Sini dealers can form a standardized business system.

▲ Mr. Hao Xiaolong, sales director of Roland Sini

at the end of the meeting, Mr. Hao Xiaolong, sales director of Roland Sini, delivered a speech at the meeting. He said that the end of the activity in the first quarter of 2022 laid a solid foundation for market expansion for the following development and progress. He hoped that all dealers attending the meeting would make continuous breakthroughs with the help of Flying Lion Association and Roland Sini, create a new situation, step towards a new level, achieve new results, go with outstanding peers, pay tribute to the profession, and create a better Roland Sini together!