New Emgrand Doors and Windows 315 National Linkage Activity Summary Conference Was Held, and the War Ended Strongly!

from:Network date:2022-04-11 reading:1574

In the past 3 months, the doors and windows of the New Emgrand have gained momentum. Under the full guide and implementation of the headquarters and the one consulting teacher, new Emgrand doors and windows launched a massive "Big Brand good doors and windows Tesco China Tour" 315 National linkage activity, which achieved great success. Recently, the New Emgrand door and window 315 Activity Summary Conference was held grandly at the headquarters!

The 315 National linkage lasted for more than a month. From the early start-up conference, the morale of dealers in various regions was stimulated, to the orders and big orders that continued to erupt during the event. Through efficient implementation, the whole process of assistance has made the New Emgrand dealers across the country truly feel the effect brought by the National linkage. This activity allows consumers to enjoy the benefits of new Emgrand doors and windows, bringing satisfactory home decoration experience. During the event, the New Emgrand door and window General Order 1636 single, sales 2356 ten thousand yuan, task reached 175%, successfully ended with a hot record, I submitted a satisfactory answer sheet for the first war of the year!


# Summarize the past and look forward to the future


at the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Sun Li, who was consulted by unity, first made a summary of the activity, analyzed the performance of each war zone, and affirmed and appreciated the achievements. The success of a big promotion requires not only successful planning, but also powerful execution, through this activity, distributors have been helped to increase sales volume, and distributors have been helped to market and fight the world!

▲ one teacher Sun spoke

later, regional managers of the sales department and managers of the new business department came to the stage. Report the work, analyze and summarize the performance of each war zone, and shared experience and gains from it.

▲ report on the stage by regional and new business managers

after the summary, I came to the exciting award presentation session and pushed the venue to another climax. Through the cooperation of the team and the efforts of the team, under this 315 National linkage activity red against the city, the terminal store has entered the hot selling mode, sales volume continues to grow and overfulfilled after this task, the war ended strongly. General manager of New Emgrand Zhong sum marketing director Li Zong for them award bonus.

▲ award bonuses for elites

the New Emgrand sales team made a decisive battle of 315 National linkage with unparalleled momentum, and the goal broke through. All elites made great achievements and created a marketing myth of exceeding the task goal. General Manager Li, marketing director of New Emgrand doors and windows, general manager Liu, sales director, and general manager Wu, director of new business department, made a summary and evaluation of this activity, and expressed great satisfaction with the team's achievements and ability improvement, at the same time, it also encourages the sales team to continue to work hard and do a big job.

▲ chief Li, marketing director, delivered a speech

▲ chief Liu, sales director, spoke

thoughts determine actions, and actions determine the future. At the end of the meeting, General Manager Zhong, general manager of New Emgrand doors and windows, made a concluding speech. At the meeting, manager Zhong first affirmed the hard work of the team in the past month and expressed surprise to this activity, being able to exceed the task objectives and help distributors improve their profits through national linkage have won the satisfaction of terminal families and laid a solid foundation for the steady development of the company in 2022.

▲ general manager Zhong conducted a meeting summary

so far, new Emgrand doors and windows "big brand good doors and windows · Tesco China trip" 315 National linkage summary conference success in everyone's applause! Manufacturer linkage, winning terminal. Next, New Emgrand doors and windows will continue we will do our best to help and educate merchants to the end. We look forward to the surprise and success of the next activity!