Work Together and Actively Respond. Xinshao Aluminum Continuously Holds Marketing Center Meetings and All Department Meetings.

from:Network date:2022-04-11 reading:1561

The current environment is complex and changeable, especially the repeated epidemic, which brings uncertain factors to the development of the industry. However, all colleagues in Xinshao aluminum have worked together to actively deal with it, the marketing center meeting and all department meetings were held in two consecutive days to unify our thinking and move forward firmly.

Marketing center working meeting

Marketing Center Meeting

host: Director of Marketing center room guard

participants: regional managers of marketing center

chairman Yan zihuo, Chief Financial Officer Liang Liying, general manager assistant Liang Jinhong listened to the report

each regional manager of the marketing center reports the work summary of 3 months and the plan of 4 months respectively. Although Fengchi exhibition was canceled in March, everyone was not discouraged. As early as early as early as March, new markets had been vigorously expanded according to the plan without Exhibition, and old customers were deeply cultivated. The results were still gratifying.

Director room guard concluded that the marketing center was duty-bound and would not blame others and use the epidemic to prevaricate. In April, all members should race against time, work harder, accelerate their progress, and resolutely implement and realize the targets issued by the company at the beginning of the year.

Yan zihuo, chairman of the board, listened to the report in detail. Yan Dong praised the marketing center for its courage to take responsibility. Even though the environment was complex, it did not deflate or prevaricate because of this. Instead, it innovated ideas and made positive progress, take practical actions to show the unremitting efforts of the new Shao people and realize their elegant demeanour. In April, the environment is still surging undercurrent, hoping that the marketing center will achieve another success.


meetings of various departments

Departmental meetings

host: human resources Xin Zhicheng

participants: heads of departments

chairman Yan zihuo listened to the report

leaders from more than ten departments, such as marketing center, R & D Center, Human Resources Center, purchasing department, warehousing department, etc., came on stage to report in detail the March summary and April plan respectively. In March, each department performed its own duties, cooperated closely, stepped up coordination, effectively resolved the unfavorable factors brought by the macro environment, and successfully realized various indicators from external sales to internal efficiency management, year-on-year progress has been made. In April, confidence is still booming, mission must be achieved, and the goal must be resolutely achieved.

Yan Dong summarized the whole meeting

yan Dong concluded: the environment in Dreadnaught, 2020 and 2021 can be said to be stormy waves, but all of our generals are united in one heart and do their best to turn challenges into opportunities and still make great achievements against the trend and achieve historic breakthroughs, the epidemic is not terrible. As long as we are full of fighting spirit and perseverance, all difficulties will be overcome and become the driving force for progress. In March, all departments performed courageously and still performed well. We hope to make persistent efforts in many unfavorable environments and achieve better results in the following April.

There is no complaint or prevarication in front of difficulties,

no matter how heavy the wind and rain are, they still carry heavy loads and move forward,

pursuing Excellence and surpassing oneself

this is the discoloration and spirit of the new Shao people.

Come on, Xinshao!

Come on, Xinshao, all colleagues!