Winning the Flag and Achieving Another Success | Guanhao Doors and Windows Marketing Summary in the First Quarter of 2022 and 5.1 Activity Launch Publicity

from:Network date:2022-04-11 reading:1838

In the first quarter of 2022, for Guanhao doors and windows, it was called a victory and achieved relatively excellent sales results. The target task completion rate reached 116 percent, with a year-on-year growth of 72 percent. At the beginning of this year, Guanhao's doors and windows were fully opened, with constant movements and good news! In February, the company successfully held the "new Guanhao, build the future" national distributor marketing summit; In March, it launched a huge "factory direct purchase, the whole people crazy grab 3.15 Hui" opening year drama. April planning meeting

on April 3-8, all the staff of channel department and store operation department of Guanhao door and window marketing center organized and held the business work summary and 4-month planning meeting in the first quarter of 2022. First of all, a total of 15 managers from the business leaders of each province and region have made a comprehensive report on their work.

Next, Mr. Wu Shanchun, marketing director of Guanhao doors and windows (hereinafter referred to as "general manager Wu") comprehensively and detailedly summarized the achievements and existing problems in the first quarter and deployed various work in the fourth month. Mr. Wu's report data is detailed and analyzed in depth, especially for the work deployment in the next 4-5 months, strict requirements and strong safeguard measures are put forward, and the company level should achieve "warranty delivery period, steady quality and improve service"; At the business level, we should achieve "tree benchmark, process control and strong PK"; At the terminal level, we should achieve "re-promotion, strong implementation and goal achievement". For the coming May Day, the company and distributors must achieve "all participation, full implementation and full control", and welcome the arrival of 5.1 with 100 times confidence.

Chen Jingbin, regional manager of Zhejiang Shanghai (Sales in the first quarter) made a summary report

guangdong East regional manager Yan Peiling (first-quarter runner-up) made a summary report

general Wu comprehensively summarized the work in the first quarter and deployed the work in the fourth month. Internal special training for regional managers

during the meeting, Mr. Wu analyzed the current economic situation and market dynamics, and conducted the training of "self-breakthrough and role cognition of regional managers" in an orderly manner, aiming at improving the management ability of regional managers, in order to better serve the market, and then be competent for work tasks, promote and improve the management of empowered stores, and provide quality service to consumers.

Yellow sand wears gold armor in all battles, and Loulan will not be returned. Through this special training, Mr. Wu gave psychological counseling to regional managers to encourage deserters to face challenges. Instead, he should face difficulties and constantly challenge himself to become better himself. In order to successfully deploy and implement work tasks, you must clearly define your role.

In order to further improve the standardized operation level of benchmark stores, Mr. Xiao Jian (hereinafter referred to as "general manager Xiao"), the operation director of Guanhao Doors and Windows Store, carried out the special training of "building benchmark stores.

Benchmark store building focuses on team building, marketing activity planning, terminal operation guidance and other dimensions from the terminal store operation system, and improves the terminal store from the Industry Foundation and personnel capabilities, the overall image of the store and other dimensions will be upgraded in an all-round and multi-dimensional manner to continuously improve the operation capability of the terminal store. Sign pk gambling agreement

only by defining the goal of moving forward can we sail in the right direction! Mr. Wu signed pk gambling agreements with regional managers, solemnly wrote down his promise and went all out to complete the national campaign journey and goal of "Thousand Stores in thousands of cities, May Day factory purchase!

Sign pk gambling agreement

award army flag excellent sales manager selection

in the first quarter of 2022, the award ceremony for the selection of outstanding sales managers opened grandly. Congratulations to the following outstanding sales managers for winning awards and standing out from the elite team of Guanhao with outstanding achievements.

Sales manager Group Photo warriors go out and hope Jun returns

under the leadership of General Xiao, the soldiers of Guanhao solemnly swore with the slogan of impassioned and loud, giving full play to the iron army's fighting will of "bleeding, sweating and not crying" and making unremitting efforts in fighting, win 2022 important battles with all efforts!

Drink wine

the "51 happy shopping" national linkage is based on an unprecedented high degree of executive power of coordinated and unified operations, with all-round breakthroughs online and offline, and comprehensively facing Guanhao's second national linkage promotion in the first year.

Group photo of marketing team