Nuofite Doors and Windows: 2022 [Excellent Vision · Leading Choice] the Investment Promotion Will Be a Complete Success

from:Network date:2022-04-12 reading:1597

On April 8, 2022, the investment promotion kick-off meeting of [excellent vision · leading choice] was held in the conference hall of the doors and windows headquarters of noffite. Mr. Yu Yongshan, chairman of the board of directors of nuffite doors and windows, Mr. Tao Hui, director of marketing, Ms. Fulei, director of investment promotion, Mr. Liu Zhen, Mr. Duan Gang, and all members of the Investment Promotion Center participated in this meeting.

At the kick-off meeting, Yu Dong affirmed the investment promotion results in February, and said: Today's kick-off meeting is to mobilize and target deployment for the investment promotion action in April, and nofitt will come up with the most powerful policy, support and face the majority of interested customers, and hope that our investment team will make persistent efforts to achieve good results.

Yu Dong's speech

general manager Tao, marketing director, said at the meeting: the result in February is a good start in 2022. after the arrangement and precipitation in March, the recruitment team will fight hard in April and create another good result.

General Tao's speech

skills training

at this kick-off meeting, Mr. Liu, Cheng Gujin, conducted investment promotion skills training for the investment promotion team of nuofeite in response to the investment promotion action in April. Through the training, he will attract investment, negotiate business, the contents of the three major dry goods of the talks are systematically transmitted to the investment promotion team to help the investment promotion team clarify the thinking, optimize the process and improve the efficiency in the subsequent work.

Cheng Gujin merchants Liu Zong trained for the investment promotion team

team skills training

target Analysis

announce the deployment of activities, combat time nodes and team incentive policies of the recruitment Chamber of Commerce in April, so that team members can carry out the implementation of activities and work arrangements more clearly.

Sign a military order

oath ceremony

flag Ceremony

simulation exercise

it is the so-called sharpening the knife to cut down firewood workers. After the previous work deployment and skill training, team members conduct skills drills on the spot under the guidance of the coach, and are familiar with various invitation, negotiation and signing procedures.

Team site drill

finally, I wish the nuofite team to work hard in the investment promotion action in April [excellent vision · leading choice] and create another success!

17329536400 Miss Liang