Sample Power | New Standard Home Excellent Staff Commendation Meeting Ended Successfully!

from:Network date:2022-04-12 reading:1484

Start a new journey and fight together! The new standard home excellent staff recognition conference was successfully held at the headquarters to award outstanding staff in 2021.

The conference was delayed under the influence of the epidemic, so it was held simultaneously when the new office area and exhibition hall were completed. It can be described as double happiness, a new office area, the use of the new exhibition hall has also brought you a more active and full working state, meeting 2022 challenges and opportunities with a new attitude.

Hard work and innovation are the Forever will follow new standard people. Good guidance cannot be separated from the role of example. On April 11, the company held a hall of honor for outstanding employees and managers, giving them the most direct affirmation and praise with the highest honor and cash reward.

Chairman Huang Dongjiang presented awards for advanced employees

they have not only the management cadres in front of the charge, but also the front-line employees who silently pay and struggle in ordinary jobs. They have both the backbone of the company and new employees in the workplace, they are all using their own practical actions to interpret their infinite enthusiasm for work and become excellent examples for us to learn and work hard.

▲ chairman Huang Dongjiang awarded cash rewards to everyone

thanks to the efforts of every new bid owner, the new bid has been developing continuously for 23 years, winning the market reputation with strong enterprise strength, and has become the industry's top brand so far, this step by step cannot be separated from the passion and sweat of all family members.

The traveler Fang Zhiyuan, let us continue to walk hand in hand, work hard, develop and make progress together with the company, create new standards one after another highlight moment, and achieve new standards one after another shining glory.