Empowering Terminal | Guanhao Doors and Windows Huadu Benchmark Store Building Activity Successfully Started!

from:Network date:2022-04-13 reading:1448

On April 10, 2022, Guanhao doors and windows Huadu benchmark store building ceremony was held in Guangzhou Huadu flagship store! Xiao Jian, the store operation director, led colleagues and all the store elites of Huadu store Wei sum to attend the meeting.

The purpose of this project is to carry out four goals: learning model, engaging in performance, practicing team and building benchmark.

Enter a set of standardized store management system and store experience system for the store. At the same time, Guanhao introduces active marketing models such as old customer marketing, Alliance Marketing, WeChat marketing, etc. to open the way for the store to get customer drainage. With the help of benchmarking projects, Guanhao can improve the team's professional ability and professional quality, and at the same time promote the achievement of sales performance of important nodes in store May Day.

Develop a set of habits in 21 days. I believe that driven by our professional active marketing team at Guanhao headquarters, we will surely win, set regional benchmarks, create excellent models, and achieve achievements, teams, mode three-way collection.