Van Der's Doors and Windows Fight against the Epidemic. My "Door" Is in Action.

from:Network date:2022-04-16 reading:1451

There are such a group of people fighting day and night at the front line of anti-epidemic. Epidemic prevention and control, data verification, and household investigation..... In this battlefield without smoke of gunpowder, they are everywhere without hesitation and charging the front line. They interpreted the responsibilities and responsibilities of the new era with practical actions, and it was they who built a strong fortress for epidemic prevention and control.

The epidemic is ruthless and there is love in the world.4 month14 on the day, Fuzhou Luoyuan store donated love materials to the epidemic prevention and control department of Fengshan town.100 box mineral water,100 box peanut milk, for fuzhou contribute to epidemic prevention and control. Work together to fight the epidemic.

Nowadays, we are suffering from severe tests. Countless medical and epidemic prevention workers are guarding the defense line of life day and night to prevent and control the epidemic. Everyone is responsible for it. Van der according to the national unified initiative, doors and windows actively respond to the government's call and assume the social responsibility of the enterprise. Reduce aggregation, block transmission, and ensure the life and health of all employees. Meanwhile, van der all offline stores of doors and windows should strengthen disinfection, sanitation and epidemic prevention. Store staff and pre-sales and after-sales personnel are required to be equipped with anti-epidemic protective equipment such as masks to do everything possible to block the transmission of the virus and ensure the health and safety of every customer who comes to the store and purchases.