Five Moves Nationwide, 1 Promotion Will Be Released Soon | the May Day Linkage of Doors and Windows in San Milan Will Be Officially Launched!

from:Network date:2022-04-18 reading:1669

On April 15, five moves nationwide, 1 promotion will be issued immediately" the National linkage launch meeting of San Milan with the theme was held warmly at the company headquarters. All members of the three major war zones of door and window marketing in San Milan gathered together to learn together, unify combat objectives, empower terminals and seek common plans!

At the beginning of the meeting, Wang Dong, manager he and manager Zhang, the doors and windows of San Milan, gave the opening words, boost morale, show confidence and energy, take the lead bravely, and strive to achieve the mission objectives. As well as releasing the reward mechanism of this activity, creating a competitive atmosphere, encouraging all combat soldiers to dare to fight and forge ahead towards their own goals!

speech by Wang Dong, windows and doors of San Milan

▲ President He, marketing director of windows and doors in San Milan, delivered a speech

▲ speech by manager Zhang, door and window marketing of San Milan

in order to win the market, execute this activity more efficiently and achieve a breakthrough in performance. At this kick-off meeting, the Beijing Eagle consulting teacher conducted the whole session, aiming at the reception the epidemic affected the situation, carry out terminal training to empower "action against the trend and increase growth, let the family members of terminal distributors broaden their business thinking through professional marketing skills training and online community explosion, improve store operation capability and find new methods and channels for performance growth.

Deep empowerment51 the implementation of the activity landed, allowing all members of each war zone to quickly enter the wartime state and combat mode, aiming at the target, making a strong sprint to break through, and making every effort to win this tough battle.

▲ Jingying consulting teacher explained the activity of "five moves nationwide, 1 promotion and ready delivery"

no fear of challenge, break the limit! At the launch conference, all major war zones set up the task of "military command" with vigorous morale. The military command is like a mountain, with a promise of gold and a mission, ensuring that all indicators are completed within the specified time.

▲Sign military order

the signing of the War Book ignited the enthusiasm of all soldiers and showed their enthusiasm for this activity at the same time. Determination and will to win.

The battle of blood does not meet expectations, passion and generosity create brilliance. The launch meeting of San Milan doors and windows "five moves nationwide, 1 promotion and ready release" officially set sail, the marketing combat team has been working hard to sprint the goal and fight to the end to create good results.