Chen Tao, CEO of Milan Window, Was Invited to Participate in the First System Door and Window Festival of Red Star Macalline, and Played the Strongest Sound of China's Door and Window Breaking Together!

from:Network date:2022-04-18 reading:1558

On April 16, on the annual World noise day, 416 Red Star Macalline's first system door and window festival and 2022 system door and window industry trend Summit Forum were used to brush the screen home circle in the form of "cloud" and "offline. Chen Tao, CEO of windows of Milan, was invited to participate in the forum to discuss the development of the industry with industry leaders, and to hold a peak dialogue around "the new trend of reform in China's door and window industry" and "The new development model of future system doors and windows.

△416 Red Star Macalline first System door and window festival launch ceremony

at the meeting, Zhu Jiagui, executive president of Red Star Macalline home furnishing group and general manager of Big operation center, made a speech by video. He pointed out that a large number of consumers hope to improve the living environment and improve the quality of life by replacing high quality, high-performance and high-standard doors and windows. In the future, Red Star Macalline hopes to co-integrate and create symbiosis with more system doors and windows brands, expand the cake of system doors and windows together, and share the traffic bonus under the consumption upgrade together to ride the wind and waves in this trillion blue sea!

△Zhu Jiagui, executive president of Red Star Macalline Group

super industry super prospect super marketing

witness system doors and windows industry's first super IP "416 Red Star Macalline system doors and windows festival" shocked

looking at the development of China's door and window industry, driven by the refined decoration room, the secondary decoration of the storage room, the affordable housing project and the self-built houses market, the system doors and windows, which have experienced more than 20 years of development, in recent years, it finally ushered in the highlight of the industry. According to the blue book on the development trend of China's system door and window industry in 2022, in 2021, the sales area of commercial housing in China was 1.794 billion square meters, and the turnover of second-hand housing in China was 3.93 million sets. In addition, there are 170000 old residential areas that need to be transformed nationwide. Generally speaking, real estate will gradually enter the stock market in the later period, and home decoration and household consumption will enter a new market stage dominated by improved residential consumption. System doors and windows will be used as the entrance of home decoration consumption, it is a category of big home furnishing industry, and the market size is estimated to reach trillions.

Talking about the market prospect, Wang Yirui, the general manager of the door and window floor Division of Red Star Macalline home furnishing group, said that the epidemic made more and more people feel the importance of good doors and windows to the living quality; "Double reduction" makes more and more doors and windows brand factories pay more attention to the green environmental protection of products and accelerate the iterative innovation of products. When the downstream demand of the industry gradually increases infinitely, and when the upstream manufacturing upgrade of the industry accelerates, the industry will officially usher in a new turning point. According to 416 Red Star Macalline system doors and windows section, relying on the "good brand" of the industry and 100 Red Star Macalline system doors and windows Hall, the collision and blending of multiple forces, we will further open the incremental space of the whole industry.

△Wang Yirui, general manager of door and window floor business unit of Red Star Macalline home group

during the meeting, Liu Xiaomin, general manager of China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd., also expressed his views in the form of video. He believes that the emergence of the first system door and window festival in the industry will leverage and gather multiple forces to jointly promote the development of the whole system door and window industry in China with merchants, brands and users.

△Liu Xiaomin, general manager of China Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition Co., Ltd.

The rise of the new middle class, double carbon Holdings, industry inflection point

china's system doors and windows consumer market officially entered the eve of the outbreak

with the surge in the number of new middle-class groups in our country, hardcover houses have entered the popularization, and the new era of changing old windows is coming, and the system door and window market will usher in a large number of consumer demands. At the same time, the impact of the implementation of the "double carbon" emission reduction policy will force the entire industry to accelerate its transformation. It can be predicted that the market capacity of system doors and windows will be further expanded in the next few years, and the competition will be more intense.

Talking about the future development of the industry, as a senior media observer in the industry, Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju, president of Youju Research Institute and chief editor of Youju new media, analyzed that with the continuous drive of consumption upgrading, consumers' high demand for living quality constantly stimulates the market potential of doors and windows, and the industrial development process has obviously accelerated. However, in the post-epidemic era, the upgrading of doors and windows still faces challenges such as raw materials and sales models.

In this regard, Zhao Lei, general manager of Hongxing meikailong Beijing Development Center, said that at present, the entire door and window market is indeed in the outbreak period and growth period. From the perspective of brand, the vast majority of brands still belong to industry brands. No brand has really become a consumer brand or a market brand. This is actually our huge opportunity, after all, our category is also nearly trillions of market.

For how to fight well? Chen Tao, the CEO of windows of Milan, believes that after the outbreak, the price of raw materials and the baptism of these external uncertain factors, only brands with real product research and development capabilities can survive, and only brands with real combat performance can survive, only the brand of the marketing management system can survive. Only by truly keeping the initial intention of brand development can the brand with the customer as the center survive and live better.

6 Major guarantees comprehensively escort the daily operation of distributors, and 2 major precision systems actively collect customers and directly attack pain points to help distributors improve the transaction rate and average value of stores. The "6 2" profit model is the window of Milan, which is based on fully empowering dealers to operate and drive terminal profits, helping dealers to truly achieve stable growth in performance, quickly seize the market and build an efficient and pragmatic strengthening empowerment support system. It is very important to seize the opportunity, choose a good industry and a good brand, join the window of Milan, and unite to empower win-win cooperation.

In order to shape immersive shopping scenes and bring more surprise consumption experiences to consumers, in recent years, Milan's window has systematically laid out new retail channels and continuously deepened offline experience layout. As early as 2019, the window of Milan launched the VMD smart exhibition hall, and together with the home building materials store giant Red Star Macalline to jointly build smart stores, which perfectly integrates life art and technology with unique interactive facilities, with fashion doors and windows block, fashion doors and windows MALL, fashion doors and windows 4S center... A variety of stores quickly laid out stores across the country, with the business philosophy of "opening big stores to open good stores", accelerating the rise to enter new retail.

As a leading enterprise in the field of home building materials circulation, Red Star Macalline has a strong brand empowerment capability. In the future, Milan windows will continue to join hands with Red Star Macalline to create more fashionable and innovative door and window experience centers, activate terminal traffic, and jointly push the system door and window industry to a new height. And use the "6 2" profit model to accurately empower the terminal to meet the opportunities of the blue ocean and bring new vitality.