4 · 16 Red Star Macalline System Door and Window Festival, Warren CEO Che Xiaona Joined Hands with the Industry Giant to Explore the New Road of Door and Window Breaking

from:Network date:2022-04-19 reading:1550

On April 16, on the annual World noise day, 416 Red Star Macalline's first system door and window festival and 2022 system door and window industry trend Summit Forum were used to brush the screen home circle in the form of "cloud" and "offline. On the forum, two senior executives of Red Star Macalline and six including head brand representatives and media observers launched a high-energy summit debate on topics such as industry trends and service capability construction, seek to decode the new trend of the reform of China's door and window industry and see the new development mode of system doors and windows in the future.

At the meeting, Zhu Jiagui, executive president of Red Star Macalline home furnishing group and general manager of Big operation center, made a speech by video. He pointed out that a large number of consumers hope to improve the living environment and improve the quality of life by replacing high quality, high-performance and high-standard doors and windows.

Talking about the future development of the industry, as a senior media observer in the industry, Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju, president of Youju Research Institute and chief editor of Youju new media, analyzed that with the continuous drive of consumption upgrading, consumers' high demand for living quality constantly stimulates the market potential of doors and windows, and the industrial development process has obviously accelerated. However, in the post-epidemic era, the upgrading of doors and windows still faces challenges such as raw materials and sales models.

In this regard, Che Xiaona, CEO of Warren doors and windows, believes that the door and window industry has entered a stage of high-quality development from the previous brutal growth. In her view, the door and window industry under the epidemic mainly faces two problems:

i. Danger and machine of system doors and windows category under epidemic

under the epidemic, the supply chain and transportation chain will definitely be affected. Under this influence, the raw material cost and transportation cost will rise, coupled with the economic downturn, the demand market will shrink, these situations will squeeze the profits of the door and window industry and even the living environment.

However, this situation has also stimulated the ability and methods of dealers to use online drainage, such as Changzhou, Sheyang, Nantong and Shanghai. They all use Xiaohong book and TikTok as team drainage.

If it weren't for the epidemic, everyone might still be at the stage of "thinking" about how to do content marketing. Now the epidemic forces everyone to take action.

II. How can door and window enterprises achieve high growth?

Among the three keywords, people, goods and market, people are the most important. It is what we have been doing to stimulate the vitality of the team. Warren's business school is established in Foshan, there is a place to export values and cultivate Warren's outstanding talents. We launched a training software to force the team to learn, practice and improve at the pace.

Products are very important, and we will continue to maintain excellent product power such as durability, reliability and energy saving of doors and windows. Our information management system will focus on one-time delivery and traceability of orders this year, which will improve the proportion of information and data management in work.

In terms of scenes, Warren updated the Si and Vi systems of the brand last year, and the combination of red and green created our unique brand image of Warren, we dug up the initial impression of "red brick and green tile" in the hearts of Chinese people ".

To sum up, people, goods and markets are the three key points that we must get through and understand in order to achieve high growth.