Take Dreams as Horses and Live up to Shaohua | the First Yue Elite Practical Training Camp Has Been Successfully Completed!

from:Network date:2022-04-19 reading:1507

How to build a champion team with Super cohesion, combat effectiveness and executive power?

In order to further improve the quality of personnel and build a more efficient champion team. On April 16, xianyue system door and window marketing center all closed courses, specially invited industry expert teacher Shen Huanqin held for all management elites execution efficiency • potential in human training course.

Before the course starts, the parents of the system doors and windows first mr. Huang Shoshe to "Star first Yue, new development" as the theme, in the past, we cut through the thorns; Now, we are down-to-earth, in the future, we take dreams as horses.

Mr. Huang Shoshe stressed enterprises cannot have no root, anyone can't forget their roots, we want remember that we are an enterprise engaged in doors and windows., our mission is we are committed to building Chinese-style system doors and windows so that there will be pioneers in places with buildings in the world.

Teacher Shen divided the actual combat of enterprise management into Trilogy, process management, team management and service management.


process Management

what is the reason why the enterprise's various processes are not well executed?

Change day and night

the power of the leader is greater, the power of the process is less, the power of the leader is less, and the power of the process standard is greater.

Successful management mode should be in charge of leaders and processes.

If you want to achieve the champion level of management, you must do a good job of daily management. Daily detail management should achieve daily coordination, daily plan, daily audit, daily assessment and daily research to maximize efficiency.


service Management

pay attention to service promotion to service marketing in order to improve customer satisfaction.

To build the core competitiveness of the service team, we must do a good job in three levels of service: to satisfy customers! Surprise customers! Let customers move!

To achieve efficient execution, five parts of service efficiency are essential: 1. Responsibility thinking-the foundation of service, 2. Results thinking-the soul of service, 3. Wolf thinking-the spirit of service, 4. High standards and strict requirements-service objectives, 5. Gratitude thinking-the sustainable power of service.


team management

find the opponent and force him to become a master.

The champion team is the organization with unified thinking, goals and actions.

It is useless to learn how much, and how much is the value. After a day of courses, we ushered in the final management team PK competition presentation session, showing a total of two items, team morale display and learning content results display.

There is no endless banquet in the world. Although I was very reluctant, with the emergence of the champion team, this course came to an end.

There are many paths to success. The most effective one is to make yourself better, and learning is the fastest way. In the past, we cut through the thorns; Now, we are down to earth; In the future, we take dreams as horses.