Kepu Integrated Company Management Reform Conference Was Successfully Held!

from:Network date:2022-04-21 reading:1701

On April 19, 2022, the management reform oath meeting of Kepu doors and windows Southwest Company was held ceremoniously in Guanghan Zhejiang Lian Industrial Park. This meeting aims to implement the management reform layout of Mr. Zhu Tao, the general manager, focus on the strategic goal of management reform in the next stage of the company, strengthen the confidence of all employees of the company, unify the thoughts of all employees, improve management morale and promote the modern manufacturing management system.

General manager Zhu, general manager of Kepu doors and windows Southwest Company (middle), deputy general manager Deng of Kepu doors and windows Southwest Company (left first), deputy general manager Zhang of Kepu doors and windows Southwest Company (left second), general manager Wu (second from the right), general manager of Foshan jubang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd., and teacher Ma (first from the right), representative of Foshan jubang Southwest Company in Kepu. The meeting was presided over by Tu Hong, the manager of the administrative personnel department of Kepu doors and windows southwest company. The meeting was organized around the theme goal of management reform.

Process or twists and turns the future will be bright

in the opening session, Mr. Zhu Tao, general manager of Kepu doors and windows southwest company, delivered a speech and shared the ups and downs that the company has gone through since its establishment 15 years ago. Everyone joined with dreams and moved forward for the same goal, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the staff of the company.

The development of an enterprise has never been a smooth road. In this long journey, facing the problems exposed internally and the many challenges of the external market environment, Mr. Zhu said: only by strengthening internal management and practicing internal skills can we continue to develop and achieve our goal of Hengyuan.. The road to change is long and long. To achieve the company's rapid development, it is bound to have the determination of a strong man to break his wrist, the perseverance of dripping through the stone, and the confidence that he must go through. Mr. Zhu firmly believes that: the road to change may have twists and turns, but the future will be bright!

What should I do next?

How to Walk got more stable, farther, stronger?

Building a modern manufacturing management system requires the promotion of external forces. Kepu joined hands with Foshan jubang Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to follow the trend. General manager Wu, general manager of jubang, and teacher Ma, project team of jubang Southwest Company in Kepu, respectively put forward feasible and constructive suggestions of multi-dimension, all-round and highly targeted on the current problems of the company.

Later, Mr. Zhu solemnly announced three resolutions to all employees: new personnel appointment of Kepu doors and windows Southwest Company; Establishment male flat, fair and open staff Fund; Set up a special leading group for management reform.

The road to change is imperative. Facing the upcoming opportunities and challenges, the heads of various departments are full of confidence without fear of difficulties. Under the arrangement of the host manager Tu Hong, they make on-site commitments, and submitted the management reform commitment letter to general manager Zhu.

Finally, under the leadership of the employee's sworn person Zhu, all employees collectively stood up and solemnly swore:

for the revitalization of the company,

for its own development,

we are determined:

with high enthusiasm,

serious and responsible attitude,

actively participate in the reform;

keep in mind: strive for progress, be pragmatic and truth-seeking, be diligent and thrifty, and work together;

strive for the revitalization of the company!

With the victory of this conference, I believe that all Kopu people are ready to go into battle. Those who wish to join the team will not take mountains and seas as their distance, and those who rush to the road will not bear the stars all over the sky. I believe that under the strong leadership of Zhu Zong, with the full assistance of jubang team, I believe that the modern manufacturing management reform of Kepu will achieve comprehensive success!