Yibo Doors and Windows Zero Complaints the Value behind Selling Stores!

from:Network date:2022-04-23 reading:1609

More than a month has passed since the 3.15 Consumer Rights Day. In all walks of life, the voice from consumers can be heard more or less, and the home customer-made industry is no exception, A small number of unscrupulous merchants use exaggerated advertisements to reap small white consumers through false propaganda. The product is shoddy and mixed, and the installation process is perfunctory. , after-sales service is not in place , when the product is used, the quality is rampant, which has become the fuse of continuous complaints.

Although such scandals emerge one after another, with the improvement of the consumer market, there are many brands that have won favorable comments from consumers active in the market and follow their original intentions as always, continue to improve the good brand image in the hearts of consumers.

Recently, ouyada home (Wuhan, Hubei) Xudong shopping mall, the first quarter of 2022 ZERO complaint" the list of specialty stores was released, and Xu Dong's Yibo doors and windows specialty store was successfully shortlisted with a complaint ratio of "0%. As a short-listed store, the head of the store, Ms. Hao, attended the awards site, took over the award plaque awarded by the mall, and shared the business experience since the first quarter of 2022.

▲ group photo with ouyada leaders

it is a great honor that Xu Dong's Yibo doors and windows store was shortlisted for the "zero complaint" quarterly store initiated by ouyada home. As we all know, in the past two years, the domestic market has suffered many impacts from the epidemic, home Customer-made of our industries are also facing challenges. There are a small number of bad manufacturers in home brands mixed with fish and dragons, excessive pursuit of profits and serious cost reduction, resulting in frequent thunder of product quality and service, complaints and scandals from consumers are common. For example, the delivered products are not on the same board as the sample goods in the exhibition hall, the delivery period of the products is extended, the price is temporarily increased halfway, the installation is perfunctory in the later stage, and the after-sales service is not guaranteed, when people think deeply, they constantly alert the conscience of our employees.

▲The person in charge of the exclusive store-Ms. Wu

behind the challenge is also an opportunity. Yibo doors and windows Xu Dong specialty store, together with stores all over the country, unswervingly implemented the excellent concept of "quality delivery, warm service" put forward by the Yibo headquarters for consumers! It does not live up to consumers' love for Yibo doors and windows, and continues to provide consumers with high quality doors and windows and warm heart services. This time can become"Zero complaints" quarterly specialty stores are the best witness and the driving force for persistent efforts in the future. At the same time, I also take this opportunity to thank all the staff of ouyada home Xudong mall for their contribution to the excellent operation of the mall.

Just like Xu Dong's specialty store, the headquarters of doors and windows Yibo, together with more than 400 specialty stores nationwide, made every effort to achieve zero complaints and build a high-end brand that consumers can trust.