Anhui Jiawei New Material Technology Co., Ltd. Held a Symposium on New Employees

from:Network date:2022-04-23 reading:1544

In order to understand the ideological trends and working conditions of new employees, build a platform for communication, promote the growth of new employees, and create a positive and harmonious working environment and working atmosphere.4 month 22 on the afternoon of Sunday, Anhui Jiawei New Material Technology Co., Ltd held a symposium for new employees. Xu Ping, Party branch secretary, executive deputy general manager, Zhang Chao, director of human resources, and representatives of new employees attended the symposium.

At the beginning of the meeting, the human resources department played company announcements for new employees to fully understand the company. 25 years of brilliant development, qualification honor and outstanding achievements. Mr. Xu warmly welcomed the new employees to join the Jiawei family and explained the current situation and prospect of the discovery of the industry in combination with the contents of the promotional film.

Later, the new employees at the meeting introduced themselves one by one, shared their experience, expressed their determination to contribute to the company's development, and put forward some problems and suggestions for improvement, I got Xu Zong's answer one by one.

In the end, Mr. Xu put forward expectations for new employees from three aspects: first, in terms of professional skills, the company is currently pushing forward the work of "wholeheartedly seeking transformation and upgrading, concentrating on scientific development, new employees should actively play the role of the main force, actively think and explore the operation field of the department, interpret and apply, and promote the construction of various work in the operation field of the department to a new level; Second, in the aspect of activity participation, encourage everyone to actively participate in various activities of the company, understand the company culture from various aspects, and enhance the sense of belonging and identity to the company. Thirdly, give full play to their own advantages in development planning, closely link your career development with the company's career development, truly integrate the ego into the greater self, and better realize the value of life.

The symposium was held in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, which reflected the company's emphasis on new employees, which was conducive to listening to employees' voices, answering questions for new employees, and enhancing mutual understanding among colleagues and leaders, helping new employees integrate into the collective better and faster is of positive significance to the company's rapid development.