Lovemei Intelligent Manufacturing of Doors and Windows 4.0 Signing Start Will Come to a Successful Conclusion!

from:Network date:2022-04-24 reading:1435

On April 23, the signing start meeting of the lovemei door and window Intelligent Manufacturing 4.0 was successfully concluded at the lovemei door and window headquarters.

In order to meet the market demand, highlight the core advantages of lovemei doors and windows, and further meet the needs of consumers, new production systems are introduced lovemei doors and windows, and digital production lines are adopted to realize the interconnection of processing information, the strategy of fully integrating and optimizing functions.

Xie Huihui, marketing director of doors and windows (right) and general manager Huang (left)

xie Huihui, marketing director of Shangmei doors and windows (right) and General Manager Liang (left) of du Te doors and windows software formally signed a contract

▲ lovemei Tan Lei, technical director of doors and windows (right), officially signed a contract with General Manager Chen of zhiyuke (left)

take the digital intelligence Express

lovemei this comprehensive upgrade of intelligent manufacturing for doors and windows will help enterprises achieve lean production and improve product yield.

In the digital system, the communication between distributors and factories becomes active and convenient.

At present, in the environment where the entire door and window industry is facing the pressure of transformation, only enterprises that take the lead in realizing digitalization can overtake the curve. Lovemei doors and windows take the train of digital transformation of Foshan aluminum alloy door and window industry, I believe that the future development will set off a new atmosphere!