300000 Orders Will Be Sent When Opening a Store. the Secret of Winning the Terminal Is Very Public! Yidun Doors and Windows 425 Online Joining Festival Ended Perfectly!

from:Network date:2022-04-27 reading:1549

On the evening of April 25, 2022, it was held by Yidun doors and windows and Huiya merchants network. "Chao ran Yi Xin, create wealth and win-win" -- YYDS Yi Dun doors and windows joining Festival [Season 1] ended successfully! This live broadcast introduces the theme with the small plot of "common joining routine", which is vivid and vivid, and resonates with the audience in the live broadcast.

After the whole live broadcast, the total number of visits exceeded 40000. During this period, there were continuous news of joining the company. Finally, a total of 32 dealers successfully joined hands with Yidun doors and windows to create a rich future.. So, what are the wonderful contents worth paying attention to in this live broadcast? Then follow the editor to learn about them!

The online live broadcast of the Merchants Association, Yidun doors and windows broke the traditional home investment Live mode, through a small plot to show the opening, accurately hit the various routines encountered by the majority of dealers in the investment and joining, and through the key words of "innovation", "renewal", "Chao ran Yi Xin" and so on, the enterprise strength of Yi Dun doors and windows is comprehensively interpreted., full of sincerity, full of dry goods!

Digital transformation

in 2022, Yidun doors and windows rebuilt its brand high-end positioning and launched the latest brand image. In order to make Yidun brand more dynamic, adaptable and competitive in the market, Yidun doors and windows in the industry take the lead in launching digital intelligent factory, transforming from traditional door and window industry to intelligent manufacturing, breaking through tradition and bringing forth new ideas.

In terms of production planning, the headquarters of Yidun Group has invested heavily in deploying three major production bases throughout the country to provide strong guarantee for intelligent production: the digital and intelligent production base of Yidun Foshan headquarters captures the trend of the times and quickly opens up the production process from the front end to the back end. At the same time introduce fully automated production lines, build the first door and window 4.0 digital factory, redefine the rapid delivery period of doors and windows, that is, realize 7-day delivery of explosive products, provide solid backing support for distributors; Yidun Shandong base mainly uses high-end system windows as industrial layout, providing customers with convenient and efficient services, from brands, products, models, operate and quickly lay out the East China market; Yidun Jiangxi branch, as a benchmark enterprise focused on building by the local government, lays out new channels for tooling.

During the live broadcast, Lai Jianbo, deputy general manager of Yidun doors and windows, said: yidun brand will keep pace with the times, constantly innovate, seize new opportunities in the 5G era, integrate the upper and lower industrial chains based on high quality products and professional services, and build the supporting industrial Industrial Park of Zhaoqing Jinli 140000 Square headquarters, it has entered a new era of leap-forward, digital and large-scale development in an all-round way.

As the first door and window enterprise in the industry to launch intelligent factories, yidun doors and windows take data as the core driving force, emerging technologies as the implement measures, and consumer demand as the core orientation to link and reconstruct the relationship among "people, goods and fields". And through a video to show everyone around the factory, let the distributors in the live broadcast room have a more comprehensive understanding of the charm of Yidun smart factory of doors and windows. The live broadcast room was instantly in high atmosphere, enthusiastic, and the number of joining seats was decreasing!

Finished product delivery is brand new

in order to capture changing consumer demands and seize market share, yidun doors and windows continuously enrich the core technical system, quickly start the "finished product delivery system" and "hardcover Home Service" projects, and devote themselves to building the door and window product delivery system and opening up the installation service of the last kilometer of doors and windows., let the end users deliver once and feel at ease for life, which can be said to be an innovation in the industry, giving people a new feeling.

In the product process, Mr. Lai brought us two good-looking, high-profit products: yidun profit-type hot products Columbia series and Yidun 2022 main push new products 85Hi open system window, I introduced the market positioning, crafting details and terminal situation of the two products in an all-round way, which better strengthened everyone's determination to choose Yidun doors and windows.

During the installation process, through 33 fine installation processes and 17 standard installation service processes, 5 major decoration problems of consumers are solved., visual door and window installation service allows the installation to be "visible and tangible", bringing unprecedented value experience to consumers, and improving the single value, conversion rate and transaction rate of terminal stores.

Terminal support Chaoran Yixin

in the digital era, Yidun doors and windows vigorously build online marketing channels, invested in Tmall operations on platforms such as Xiaohongshu, plus-sized, and TikTok, opened Tmall flagship stores, held online activities such as Tmall shopping guide talent show, TikTok cattle business discussion doors and windows, and conducted interactive marketing, become a new engine for terminal store performance growth.

In addition, Yidun doors and windows will also provide dealers with effective and landing assistance and empowerment, which will be passed in the early stage. 21-day store support from elite team, solves the problems of difficult retention, difficult recruitment, and difficult order communication in the terminal store; During the opening process, build O6 new business system and E8 super-profit system, a good system + a right solution really solves the problem that customers are difficult to market in the terminal store, so that dealers have no worries.

Awesome policy Blind Box announced

it is worth mentioning that during this live broadcast, Yidun doors and windows were sent to everyone. Multiple welfare gifts, not only have a large amount of red envelope rain yuan, factory exploration benefits, multiple rounds of online lottery, but also carefully planned the blind box form to announce the joining policy, the form is interesting and the policy is expected. Every time a policy comment area is announced, it has been praised continuously, attracting many dealers interested in the doors and windows of Yidun to join successfully.

Written at the end

the brand has an attitude, the product has a height, and the help has a temperature! If you are also interested in the brand of "no routine, full of sincerity" like Yidun doors and windows, then join Yidun doors and windows quickly!

Note: Yidun windows and doors live broadcast policy deadline is 24:00 on the evening of April 25

for more information, please consult the corresponding investment manager directly.