2021 Guangzhou Construction Expo | Ou Zhe Doors and Windows Implemented the Installation Standards of Doors and Windows, Winning Four Awards!

from:Network date:2021-07-24 reading:2052

On July 20-23, during the opening of the 23rd Guangzhou construction expo, ozhe doors and windows with a series of new products and solutions for doors and windows of the whole house, we made a great debut. Starting from aesthetics, safety and energy saving, we broke the space application boundary of system doors and windows, bringing "quality, simplicity, the quality life experience of an opens more possibilities for the design of living space in the next high quality.

Unstoppable, leading the new race of high-end system doors and windows

As the leading brand of high-end system doors and windows in China, ouzhe has preferential joining policies in addition to "three high" safety products with high-grade performance, high aesthetic value and high-end customized services, as well as building a mature support system for big cities and big businesses, it has successfully attracted partners from 27 cities to jointly lead the development of high-end system doors and windows.

The trend of consumption upgrading has been set. Under the huge market prospect, a potential trillion-level door and window consumption market is coming together with the new era. Relying on the advantages of doors and windows boutique and service, ozhe doors and windows together with these like-minded partners, we will lead the new competition of high-end system doors and windows.

Strong circle, ozhe doors and windows get tens of millions of exposure

This time, it was unveiled at Guangzhou construction expo, ozhe doors and windows with the theme of "creating the future and facing the latter dimension" as the booth, the space design of avant-garde personality is used to integrate the system doors and windows with high performance, high energy saving and high aesthetics, so as to make ozhe doors and windows the booth has become the visual "C-bit" of the entire exhibition hall, which is widely concerned and discussed by the media and audience.

Just 4 days of exhibition time, ozhe doors and windows the booth attracted a large number of audience to experience and share, and attracted nearly 30 media to report in various forms. These media not only directly related to the home, doors and windows, but also included real estate, the whole house customization and other cross-industry subdivision media. In just 4 days, ozhe doors and windows add 10 million exposure, which can be described as a strong circle!

Strength, ozhe doors and windows win 4 great honors
Among the awards announced during the exhibition, ozhe doors and windows he has been awarded four major honors successively, adding four outstanding achievements to the mid-year summary that connects the past and the next!

Honor 1 [National Federation of Industry and Commerce household decoration industry association · Vice Chairman unit of construction professional committee] on July 21, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce furniture decoration industry Chamber of Commerce held a dinner with the theme of "cohesion, concentric, win-win" and green smart supply chain, the establishment meeting of the intelligent manufacturing and construction committee was awarded by the Construction Committee of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce. Ozhe doors and windows the title of Vice President unit. Ozhe doors and windows on July 19, the industry's first 2021 White Paper on installation and delivery standards for China's door and window industry was released. This award means that the industry is right ozhe doors and windows full affirmation and deep expectation of installation and construction level. Ozhe doors and windows in the future, we will actively assume the industry responsibilities of Vice President units, improve the construction level of the industry and boost the progress of the industry.

Honor 2 [2021 set Innovation Brand award] [set Innovation Brand award] aims to select industry pioneer enterprises and guide the optimization and improvement of enterprise innovation technology. Ozhe doors and windows with strong brand strength, creative product power and design power, doors and windows won "the first gold collection award 2021 sets of innovation brand Award" at one stroke ".

Honor 3 [2021 Top Ten influential brands in the door and window industry] to "go deep into the channel terminal, the award of [2021 Top Ten influential brands in door and window industry] aiming at discovering excellent brands is an important reference for distributors to select high-quality and good brands. Ozhe doors and windows invited to participate in this selection, and in the 2020-2021 China door and window industry dealers survey excellent brand selection activities, with mature dealer support system, continuously enhanced brand innovation and product power, won the honor of "Top Ten influential brands.

Honor 4 [2020-2021 China home furnishing industry on quality yearbook · 100 home furnishing boutique] The conference of 2020-2021 China home furnishing industry quality yearbook sponsored by Guangzhou construction expo and Sina home furnishing has passed 15 popular categories, the list of 100 good home products will be publicized and certified, ozhe doors and windows free border folding door products were successfully selected due to their simplicity, extraordinary performance, energy conservation and environmental protection.

On July 23, Guangzhou construction expo officially closed, and it was unveiled in four days, with aftersound winding beam. Ozhe doors and windows the grand occasion of the booth gives the audience an updated understanding of high-end system doors and windows.