Starpay Doors and Windows | Make Time with Star Products, May Day Staff Care Activities

from:Network date:2022-05-06 reading:1473

Since ancient times, May has been a synonym for hard work, which is also the inheritance of our nation and the fire of inheritance that one generation has never died out since ancient times. As May comes, in order to celebrate the "May Day labor day", I planned many activities such as artistic flower arrangement and handwork with my heart, actively creating the most glorious Labor, the most noble Labor, the greatest labor, the most beautiful social fashion of Labor.

Art flower arrangement handmade

at the event site, Starpay doors and windows prepared a May Day employee care activity with the theme of "making time with star products" for employees. The activity gives full play to its imagination and creativity, pruning branches, cutting leaves and carefully matching flowers. With the understanding of spring and the aesthetic appreciation of flowers, everyone has completed their elaborate flower arrangement works, appreciate and comment on each other, learn the knowledge of flower arrangement, and enjoy the unique charm of flower arrangement art. The whole room is full of flowers, and the atmosphere is relaxed and warm.

Employee health consultation

this activity also specially invited health consulting teachers to provide consultation services for employees, understand the physical condition, analyze the reasons through four diagnostic methods of TCM, and give advice on diet, traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Through this activity, on the one hand, everyone has mastered relevant knowledge about physical and mental health, on the other hand, they also pay more attention to their own health, laying a foundation for developing good living habits. Everyone said in succession that the activity was very meaningful and enriched the quality of life and happiness index of employees, recording everyone's wonderful moments, and at the same time getting great help both physically and mentally.

Starpay chief Mao, marketing director of doors and windows, said that rich spiritual and cultural life can effectively relieve work pressure and enhance team cohesion. Being a temperature enterprise is a concept advocated by Starpay doors and windows all the time. Only by ensuring the spirit and elegant demeanour of the team can we continuously provide customers with high-quality services and integrate gratitude into our career.