Aidiya Doors and Windows | "Love Everything You Do · Strive for the Most Youthful" May Day Employee Care Activity

from:Network date:2022-05-06 reading:1490

On the occasion of the May Day international Labor Day, aidiya doors and windows were held. Love what you have done · strive for the most youthful" art flower arrangement handwork, a staff care activity with the theme, takes advocating advocating Labor, respecting labor and loving Labor as the core, and carries forward the most glorious spirit of the times of Labor.

During the activity, the person in charge of art flower arrangement taught colleagues the knowledge of flower arrangement basis, flower arrangement steps, flower selection, color matching, pattern design and other aspects, and demonstrated flower arrangement skills on the spot based on theoretical knowledge.

Under the on-site guidance of the person in charge, after mastering the basic essentials of flower arrangement, everyone incarnated "skillful designers" to give full play to imagination and creativity and devote themselves to the creation of floral works. Communicate with each other, laugh and laugh, trim branches and leaves, match colors, design shapes, and enjoy the pleasure of hand-made creation.

There is a lot of love for falling flowers flying and dancing. It is very interesting to insert flowers into the painting. Looking at the hand-made flower arrangement works with unique "design", it brings not only sensory pleasure, but also spiritual enjoyment. After the flower arrangement works were completed, everyone held flower ornaments and took photos with their own works one after another to record this wonderful moment.

At the event site, aidiya doors and windows also invited health consulting teachers to provide health consultation services for employees. The health consultant patiently and carefully explained the health problems raised by everyone, and gave professional guidance on daily health care, daily diet, prevention and correspondence of sub-health problems, etc. This activity further improved employees' awareness of self-care, reflected the company's care and care for employees, and effectively enhanced everyone's sense of acquisition, happiness and security.

Through this flower arrangement activity, aidiya doors and windows convey good wishes to everyone, so as to enhance communication among colleagues, understand the elegant art of flower arrangement, and feel the pleasure brought by flower arrangement by hand, while adding beauty to life, it also increases everyone's love for a better life and further improves cultural accomplishment.