Centennial New Guanhao Thanksgiving Carnation | 2022 Guanhao Doors and Windows Mother's Day Tea Party Warm Coming!

from:Network date:2022-05-10 reading:1364

Dante said, "there is a book that can never be finished, and that is mother. There is a most beautiful voice in the world, which is the call of mother." Our life began when we opened our eyes for the first time and saw our mother's tired smile. The journey of life is vast and boundless. Only mother has shared the heartbeat with us, which is also the love and guardian of every mother. We grew up safely and steadily with invisible armor.

May 8th is the second Sunday in May, also Mother's Day. In 2022, Guanhao doors and windows Mother's Day Tea Party was warmly held in Foshan headquarters. Gong Jiahui, general manager of Guanhao doors and windows, Gong Chaomei, financial director of Guanhao doors and windows, and the beautiful mothers of Guanhao doors and windows participated in the meeting. The Tea Party was opened by Zhang Zhigang, the Personnel Administrative Director of Guanhao doors and windows, and then Gong Jiahui, the general manager of Guanhao doors and windows, offered sincere wishes and hopes to all the beautiful mothers.

During this period, all the beautiful mothers of Guanhao's doors and windows performed talent on stage one after another, performing with true and touching songs, reading poems in tears and touching poems, playing and interacting with passion and joy, I forgot to present the links of dancing and enjoying myself and sending gifts one by one. The atmosphere of the venue was warm and lively, and at the same time, it made people feel moved by their mother's love.

The Book of ethics says: "The Heaven and The Earth cannot be long, but the situation is human." Between people, there is no eternal company, so is the fate with mother. Cherish my mother's time in life, take good care of her body and heart, accompany her a lot, be kind with your heart, don't wait until you lose it, you will regret for life. Here, Guanhao doors and windows wish mothers all over the world: healthy, safe and happy!