Gathering Situation and Breaking up a New Chapter | the 16 Th National Strategic Distributor Marketing Summit of St. Paul Is about to Be Held.

from:Network date:2022-05-10 reading:1467

19 years of ingenuity to cast boutique, 19 years of journey Spectrum Seal!

In 2021, the overall doors and windows of St. Barrow turned around in the new track, achieving double performance!

In 2022, St. Paul was still committed to consolidating the high-speed Channel of Brand Distributors, putting the channel construction and service of distributors at the first level!

May 11, St. Paul the 16th National Strategic distributor marketing peak and the 3rd 415 World door and window safety day it will be held ceremoniously in Shunde, Guangdong province. This time, we will continue to use Sina home to gather representatives from strategic distributors all over the country, take the "holy" pursuit, will be able to lead the Crown 2022!

Event highlight 1


2022strategic theme

st. Paul's at the 16th National Strategic distributor marketing summit, Mr. Wu Guohong, chairman of St. Paul's home furnishing group, will serve all dealers in-depth analysis of market development and planning2022 development direction.

At the same time, Huang Shicong, vice president of St. Paul's home furnishing group formulate the marketing plan of St. Petersburg in 2022 in order to ensure that this year's brand marketing and channel layout work can be carried out more smoothly and quickly, and create better performance for each dealer store.

Highlight 2 of the event


recognition of outstanding distributors

as the most anticipated part of the summit, the process of recognizing outstanding distributors is naturally essential.

In all rise together, behind the vigorous development of St. Petersburg, it not only depends on the correct strategic guidance and the support of excellent products and services, but also depends on the cooperation of like-minded dealer partners!

At that time, St. Barrow home group will A grand recognition of outstanding distributors and partners who made outstanding contributions to the brand in 2021, to encourage distributors and partners to continue to compete for benchmarks and climb the peak bravely!

Highlight 3 of the event


new selection of champion style and quality was unveiled

taking advantage of the grand opportunity, St. Barrow invited the product experience officer--2022 Beijing Winter Olympics short track speed skating champion Fan Kexin visit the scene in person and talk to a group of leading guests about the forum "champion's choice, safety and renewal", all of which are the choice of champions: safety and renewal the official announcement of the brand ceremony!

Site not only official Xuan 19800 package, there are also people who have attracted much attention volvo Car Awards the mystery will also be unveiled!

In the past year, the steady development of St. Paul's home furnishing group depends on the trust, support and efforts of all dealers and families.

The marketing peak of the 16th National Strategic Distributor of St. Paul and the 415 World door and window safety day of the 3rd will closely focus on the brand's "safety and environmental protection" development strategy and unite with the majority of distributor friends, redefine the overall doors and windows with innovative technologies to achieve brand breaking and upgrading again!