Training Soldiers, Ma Huanxin Sheng | Yifa Doors and Windows Dongguan Dealer Team Went to the Headquarters to Visit and Study

from:Network date:2022-05-11 reading:1393

On May 10th, in order to understand products, improve business skills and see the style of the new exhibition hall, the distributor of Yifa doors and windows Dongguan took the team to visit and study at the headquarters, yifa doors and windows warmly welcomed the family members of distributors in Dongguan. Peng Linfeng, director of R & D department, Qiu Chuanzhou, director of sales department, Chen Yuanhang, director of active marketing department, and Zhou Weidong, director of Space Design of brand department, accompanied them.

■ Yifa doors and windows Dongguan distributor team


new exhibition hall

facing the domestic epidemic situation, learning and upgrading is not only the survival way of Yifa doors and windows, but also the survival password of the distributor team. Zhou Weidong, the director of space design of the brand department, explained: "as a bridge for indoor and outdoor communication, doors and windows absorb the true scenery of the Earth, gather nature and warm light, and inspire the gentle spring breeze of humanity, and this is the design concept of the new exhibition hall of Yifa doors and windows." After hearing this, the Dongguan distributor team was full of praise.


brand renewal

after Zhou Gong of the brand Department introduced the new exhibition hall, the Dongguan distributor team had a preliminary understanding of the exhibition hall. In order to further understand the brand changes of Yifa doors and windows and the layout of the exhibition hall, he also introduced the evolution of Yifa Logo from traditional system doors and windows to intelligent system doors and windows, allowing the Dealer Team to truly experience the company's omni-channel products and multi-scenario intelligent solutions, all these are to enable the dealer's family to more accurately grasp the changing needs of the market, actively integrate resources, and achieve the growth of store performance.

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product renewal

it is worth mentioning that this renewal not only made the distributor team pay attention to brand renewal, but also paid attention to product renewal, because product power is brand power. According to Peng Linfeng, director of R & D department, Yifa products positioned as "6A all-purpose system doors and windows", 6A has extracted the English letter A of heat insulation, sound insulation, waterproof, safety, air tightness and wind pressure resistance respectively. As A research and development intelligent modeling enterprise, after years of independent research and development, six performances have been integrated to create a window to meet the requirements of six performances..

In recent years, the company has been continuously trying to expand and lay out new competition fields such as intelligent system doors and windows, smart home, etc. At the same time, with the deepening of smart city, Yifa doors and windows have helped the construction of smart city with intelligent manufacturing, the formation of a smart home integration solution has multiplied the confidence of the dealer's family, allowing the dealers to complete a product baptism in the new exhibition hall of Yifa headquarters and a strong charge in consolidating product knowledge.

■ Peng Linfeng, director of Yifa doors and windows research and development department, explained the products to the dealer team.

Through the introduction of products and brands by the staff of Yifa doors and windows headquarters, the Dongguan distributor team has a brand-new understanding of Yifa. I believe that through the unity of manufacturers and win-win cooperation, it will definitely stand up to the tide in 2022, rush to the new future!