Strength Witness Consumer Reputation! Roland Sini Won 2022 Home Consumers Reputation Brand!

from:Network date:2022-05-12 reading:1459

Understand the value drive under word-of-mouth consumption and witness brand power with word-of-mouth consumption ". On May 11, 2022, Roland Sini system doors and windows won 2022 home consumer reputation brands in the selection activity "China good home-2022 China home consumer reputation survey, it shows the high reliability of Roland Sini brand among consumers!

This activity "China's good home-2022 China's household consumer reputation survey" was jointly organized by Sina home, China quality news network and CCTV brand responsibility, and 536000 valid questionnaires were received from real consumers, and on May 10th, "China's good home-2022 home consumer reputation brand list" was released to commend typical cases and demonstration enterprises of high-quality consumer reputation.

Product quality is the top priority. How to continuously output high-quality door and window products is the original pursuit of Roland Sini system door and window as a high-end door and window customization brand.

Roland Sini system doors and windows are controlled layer by layer at the level of consciousness and production mode, which not only improves product quality awareness through ideological education and training of all employees, it also strictly controls product quality through fine production of 4.0 intelligent manufacturing industry. Roland Sini system doors and windows headquarters factory regularly carries out Quality Month activities, implements after-sales problems and provides specific solutions, and comprehensively controls the production site of products.

With the consistent adherence to the quality of Roland Sini system doors and windows, we have received constant favorable comments from consumers, who are spontaneously in Taobao stores, Jingdong stores, xiao Hongshu and other self-media platforms have left recognition for the brand and products of Roland Sini system doors and windows.

During the May Day of 2022, Roland Sini system doors and windows launched Qijia package to accurately connect the three major consumer groups, with different product packages such as system doors and windows + smart door locks, to meet the decoration needs of consumers to purchase complete house doors and windows in one stop.

In the future, Roland Sini system doors and windows will, as always, devote themselves to serving users with professional technology and pay attention to consumers' reputation, "be the best doors and windows, protect our homes and protect our families", continue to work hard to achieve a better home life for consumers!