New Standard Doors and Windows Headquarters Special Training Camp | National Distributor Online Training Meeting Has Been Officially Launched!

from:Network date:2022-05-12 reading:1384

As a benchmark brand in the industry, new standard doors and windows have more than 200 new merchants joining each year. In order to support the operation of new merchants and empower old merchants, they can cope with the fierce market competition with rapid and high-quality development, the special training camp of the headquarters of the new standard doors and windows business school has been fully launched, and online training sessions of distributors across the country will be held to bring more systematic training to the new standard family members with brand potential, so that the national family members can better improve the terminal strength and expand the profits of stores.

Professional training system blessing, gold medal tutor empowerment

the new standard doors and windows have a system operation training system that leads the industry. Under the overall planning of the group, more than 180 dealer training activities are carried out every year, and new business training, store manager training and designer training courses are regularly carried out every month. From opening, drainage, support, sample loading to maintenance, all-round tracking guidance will comprehensively improve the professional operation ability and service level of the store, and create a wide range of brand awareness and recognition.

Based on the background of the epidemic, the online training meeting of distributors nationwide was opened in the form of cloud live broadcast, mainly focusing on enterprise profile, product knowledge, sales skills of talking about orders, channel development, store operation, the exhibition hall's first display and other contents will be launched. The gold medal tutor will conduct all-round and multi-angle training and guidance to quickly improve the terminal strength and empower operation.