Firmly Believe That the Goal Must Be Achieved! The First Group Building Activity of Youguan Doors and Windows in 2022 Was Successfully Completed

from:Network date:2022-05-12 reading:1518

On the evening of May 11, youguan doors and windows organized a group building activity for all members of the marketing center with the theme of "firm belief and target must be achieved" in Nanhai baomitang Academy of calligraphy and painting. It aims to improve the cohesion of the marketing team, boost morale and empower confidence for the marketing center to exceed the target of the next stage.

marketing Center personnel sign in

huang Shaomin, chairman of youguan doors and windows, Huang Tianliang, general manager, and Xu Hongliang, marketing director, participated in this activity with all members of the marketing center. The event was hosted by general manager Huang Tianliang.

The three people must be my master

huang Shaomin, chairman of youguan doors and windows, delivered a speech, clarifying the purpose and original intention of organizing this group building, and expressing gratitude to all sales staff for their hard work and hard work, it also puts forward expectations for the next stage of marketing work. Finally, we use "three people must have my teacher's presence" to encourage everyone: "In the team, there must be teachers. While learning each other's advantages, we should have the courage to reflect, actively correct our existing problems, learn from each other, make progress together". Finally, we encourage everyone to work hard to exceed the next stage of goals.

chairman Huang Shaomin delivered a speech

difficult problems, achievements, and new heights

xu Hongliang, marketing director, expressed his gratitude to the chairman of the board in his speech. Provide excellent crown doors and windows, a good platform, affirmed the good performance of the marketing center at this stage. Then, we are required to strictly implement the sales plan in the future work, continue to carry forward the spirit of fighting against difficulties, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, solve problems and make achievements, and strive to achieve a new high sales performance.

xu Hongliang, marketing director, delivered a speech

family, one mind, do one thing well

huang Tianliang, general manager, congratulated the sales marketing center for achieving good sales performance and explained the meaning of "home": I believe that our family, one heart, one goal, fight together and win, at the end of his speech, Mr. Huang encouraged everyone to make persistent efforts and make great achievements bravely.

general manager Huang Tianliang delivered a speech

at the beginning of the meal, everyone raised their glasses and drank at the same time and made a toast. Glass of wine, everything is in silence. There are the kindest leaders, the loveliest colleagues, the most delicious food and the warmest Crown family here.

dinner toast

even if there is no high-end equipment in the K room

there is no elaborate rehearsal,

no gorgeous lights,

full of affectionate singing,

but under the breeze of learning, it looks very beautiful,

sing the loudest voice ~ ~

forever God of song

this group building activity strengthened the cohesion of the team, stimulated the sales enthusiasm of team members, and created a team atmosphere that can fight especially. Driven by leaders, the sales team will make unremitting efforts for the common vision and goals based on sharing goals and passion!