Huining Doors and Windows | the New Business Training Camp for Tens of Millions of Merchants Was Successfully Completed in 2022

from:Network date:2022-05-18 reading:1479

From May 10 to May 12, 2022, Huining doors and windows new business training camp was completed at Huining doors and windows headquarters.

This training is mainly aimed at a series of courses offered by Huining doors and windows specialty stores from building new stores to operating. It is a training plan set by the phased assistance for the training of new merchants, aiming at the rapid growth of new merchants, learn together, challenge bravely and break through yourself. This training purpose: it can be used when you go back, and the action will be effective, creating a group of tens of millions of merchants, it has an absolute industry position and market share in the local market.

Excavate the pain points of the industry and conform to the market trend. In order to improve the concentration of specialty stores and enhance the interaction between headquarters and terminals, all employees have conducted nucleic acid tests under the normalization of epidemic, which are held in accordance with epidemic prevention and control standards.

This training camp is based on the market demand. The courses cover new strategies for recruiting new stores, building plans, retaining talents, building channels, selling words, planning offline activities, etc, in order to improve the store management system, improve the store's marketing and profitability, and help new vendors master the way of continuous performance multiplication.

Carry out systematic training based on the current market situation, and comprehensively empower them from management, marketing, products and other aspects. This is a comprehensive integration and upgrade of professional knowledge and skills.

1. Long






On the first day of the training, the course was organized in an orderly manner from the store Foundation. The training teacher said that it was people who really made the store alive and talents who made the store popular.

Huining doors and windows have always exported a unique service system, from online support to offline specifications, allowing dealers to formulate a set of perfect operation management mode, service system and reward mechanism suitable for their stores, deepen the building, standardize the team building of Terminal Stores, consolidate the foundation from people to talents growth, and enhance the cohesion of the team.

II. Study

Theory-oriented, practice-oriented, and performance-oriented. Through organizing high-frequency training, Huining doors and windows comprehensively strengthen the ability of employees in regional terminal stores, so that front-line sales teams can master more and wider sales skills and product expertise and achieve double performance.

III. Graduation articles

huining doors and windows president Hu, chairman of the board, delivered a speech to congratulate the students on their successful graduation.

Through this training, Huining doors and windows will be able to effectively apply marketing operation skills to practice in the future store development, operation and planning, so that we can work together to create wealth and win-win results and create a new chapter.

IV. Expansion

The training on the last day was carried out around actual combat sharing and offline activity planning. Since the opening of the new business training camp, Huining doors and windows have focused more on internal communication and sharing. Excellent Distributors have gained applause and respect from the present by sharing their own successful experiences. Through such powerful examples, they have provided solutions for store operators present here.

Customers are the source of life for each company to survive and develop. Through this training camp, dealers are more deeply aware of their own shortcomings and grow rapidly. It also makes the trust between dealers and Huining doors and windows headquarters stronger.