Together with the New Starting Point, Oufan and Nuozun Aluminum Awarded the Deputy General Manager Letter of Appointment to Mr. Fang Guowang.

from:Network date:2022-05-20 reading:1363

New starting point · join hands

facing the rolling forward wave of development, oufan nuozun aluminum industry once again stands on a new historical starting point and opens a new journey. The appointment meeting of the deputy general manager of the business department with the theme of "new starting point · together" was held 2022 year 5 month 16 rilong was held again. Under the witness of the backbone of important departments of the business department, mr. He Xianhui, chairman of oufan aluminum, announced the official appointment of the house guard as the deputy general manager of oufan nuozun aluminum division, leading the relevant work of the division.

( mr. He Xianhui, chairman of oufan aluminum, awarded the letter of appointment to Mr. Fang guard.)

# group mr. He Xianhui, chairman of the board, mentioned at the meeting

mr. house guard has made great achievements in the industry and has made outstanding achievements. He is the deputy general manager of oufan nuozun aluminum division this time. I believe he will lead the division to create a new situation and take it to the next level!

The deputy general manager of the business department, room guard, made an inaugural speech.

After the appointment ceremony, the deputy general manager of oufan nuozun aluminum business department, Fang guard, made an inaugural speech. The content was summarized as "516", namely: 5 New 1 important 6 enhanced

5 New (new starting point, new era, new thinking, new goals, new journey): the current environment presents many new features, and the industry has entered a new stage. We must be brave in pioneering, rebuild a new starting point, break the shackles of old thoughts, and stimulate new thinking, we must dare to challenge ourselves and achieve new and higher goals on the new journey.

1 Important: oufan aluminum is very few in stock manufacturers with source factories have the highest sales volume of cost-effective aluminum materials., this is an insurmountable advantage for peers, and many future work will focus on this advantage.

6 reinforcement(Strengthen organizational power, product power, marketing power, competitiveness, brand power, communication power) in the future, we will optimize the organizational process and improve organizational efficiency; Plus-sized research and development, strive to achieve long-term leading advantages of products; Online and offline linkage, multi-dimensional three-dimensional marketing; Deeply explore the brand connotation and strengthen brand strength; traffic is the king, which is fully connected to the public and private domains, and spreads at plus-sized.

When it comes to strengthening competitiveness, Chief Fang extracts many core advantages of oufan aluminum:

19 years of experience in the construction aluminum profile industry; More than 10 years of research and development strength; High-cost profile best-selling brands; Very few high-tech enterprises in the in stock industry; Very few source factories in the in stock industry; the product can effectively improve the building energy efficiency by 20%......

General manager Fang continued, especially we have scale advantages in the industrial chain, and the unit cost is not high. In a word good profiles are not expensive at all", this core advantage is worth giving full play.

In the end, manager Fang encouraged the elite backbone of the business department to stand on a new starting point and work together to create a more brilliant future for OU fan nuozun!

At the appointment meeting, the house guard also presented letter of appointment to Zhou Zhiwen on behalf of oufan nuozun aluminum affairs department, zhou Zhiwen was officially appointed as the director of nuozun investment center and was fully responsible for the work of the investment center.

( the picture above shows that the head of the house (right) issued letter of appointment to Zhou Zhiwen (left).)

the appointment meeting ended successfully in the bursting lofty sentiments and aspirations and loud shouts.

Oufan nuozun aluminum has a long history and strong strength. It integrates Source head and in stock, and is an important existence in the aluminum industry. And the introduction of outstanding senior talents will surely inject new vitality and motivation into the development of the company, accumulate the power of the second leap, and advance to a higher and further goal!