Summary and Commendation of the 15 Th Quality Management Month Activity of Huajian Aluminum Group and the 21st Safety Production Month Activity Mobilization Conference Were Held Ceremoniously

from:Network date:2022-05-20 reading:1539

On the evening of May 19, Mountain donghua construction aluminum the 15th quality management month activity summary and commendation of the group and the 21st safety production month activity mobilization meeting were successfully held in the conference room of the group training center. In order to strictly implement the measures related to epidemic prevention and control, the conference was held in the form of video conference. The main venue was set up in Huajian building training center, and several sub-venues were set up in each branch factory, Park and member enterprise. Leaders at all levels of the group, management centers, functional service departments, branch factories and member enterprises middle-level and above managers attend the conference at each venue respectively.

The meeting summarized the activities of the 15th Quality Management Month, and commended and awarded the advanced units, advanced collectives, advanced teams and outstanding innovation projects emerging in the activities; At the same time, the conference mobilized and deployed the group's 21st safety production month activities, and put forward special requirements for the in-depth development of the group's key management work.

Group CEO Zhang liantaizuo key deployment requirements

wu Yuping, vice president of the group, presided over the conference.

Nie Qingxu, vice president of the group, read the monthly commendation decision of quality management

feng Guogang, assistant president of group production management center, summarized the implementation of quality management month

liu Yudong, general manager of anhuan center of the group, mobilizes safety production month activities

recognition of advanced units of quality management Month activities

recognition of advanced collectives in quality management Month activities

commend the advanced team of quality management Month activities

recognition of outstanding innovative projects in quality management Month activities

in the next step, the group should further strengthen the ideological understanding, establish the quality concept and safety concept of the new era, engrave awe in mind all the time, shoulder the responsibility all the time, and hold the work on hand all the time, we should not only keep the bottom line, adhere to the cornerstone status of quality and safety work, but also be active and promising, and plan and implement quality and safety as an important part of improving core competitiveness. We should further extend the work quality and product quality to the service quality and brand quality, and make every effort to build" quality Huajian"; we should further implement the responsibility for production safety and strengthen it. Safety Production Management, consolidate the Safety Foundation of the group, and promote the high-quality and steady development of the group..