Add New Army | Fuos Dongguan Dalang Store Opened Ceremoniously, Accelerating the National Market Layout

from:Network date:2022-05-23 reading:1396

On May 20, the Dongguan Dalang specialty store of furos doors and windows opened ceremoniously. Mr. He Jiaxiong, vice chairman of fuos, Mr. Liang Lvhua, sales director of fuos, senior lecturers of fuos Business School, guests from all walks of life and owners and friends, etc. Hundreds of people came to the scene to witness this glorious moment together.


strategic upgrade

fuos National layout next city

in 2022, fuos doors and windows continued to promote the upgrading and transformation of national terminal stores through a new strategy and innovative layout, adding new momentum to brand development.

The opening of the furos doors and windows Dongguan Dalang store covers an area of more than 300 square meters. The designer combines different simulation rooms through different elements, provide consumers with a brand-new perspective and immersive shopping experience.


baichengqian store

accelerate national network layout

in 2022, fuos doors and windows fully launched the plan of "one hundred cities and one thousand stores" to accelerate the layout of national outlets and stimulate the nationwide boom of clothing stores. A new generation of terminal stores around the world are blooming like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, leading the new fashion of doors and windows home.

Fuos doors and windows Dongguan Dalang specialty store set sail, which is the way to help fuos fully empower the terminal and develop in symbiosis with the terminal. It helps dealers and customers to grow continuously with practical actions and achieve win-win cooperation among manufacturers.