Guanhao Doors and Windows Yunguichuan Core Dealer Research Institute (Zhaotong Station) Successfully Ended!

from:Network date:2022-05-23 reading:1400

On May 16-17, Guanhao doors and windows yunguichuan core dealer Research Institute (Zhaotong station) was successfully launched. Huang Xiaoyong, chairman of Guanhao doors and windows, Wu Shanchun, marketing director, Xiao Jian, director of store operation department, the regional manager of yunguichuan and the distributors of yunguichuan participated in this meeting.

The purpose of this research society activity is to share each other's successful experiences, and to analyze the national market environment, local competition pattern, consumer demands, terminal operation management and many other aspects for in-depth discussion and communication.

Empowerment terminal

at the meeting, Xiao Jian, the director of store operation, conducted in-depth discussions on the standards of store experience and service experience, active marketing drainage mode and product selling point content. This article explains the necessary skills of winning terminals, deeply understands the product knowledge, improves the professional service level, and then provides consumers with a better service experience.

Photo: Xiao Jian, the store operation director, held discussions and exchanges at the meeting.

At the same time, Wu Shanchun, marketing director, gives you an in-depth interpretation of the company's development, strategic planning and channel policies. Through on-site research, distributors discuss with each other, and exchange and share store operation and sales experience.

Photo: Wu, marketing director, held discussions and exchanges at the meeting on Shanchun

excellent dealer sharing

in this research society, everyone shared with each other the latest marketing concepts, sales skills, store operation ideas and team management methods, etc. They gathered the strengths of all people and grew their wisdom, empower distributors to calmly deal with the challenges of the market and grasp the opportunities of the times, quickly seize the terminal market, and realize the comprehensive upgrade of Guanhao's door and window brand strategy in 2022!

Figure: dealers conduct discussion and exchange at the meeting

figure: dealers conduct discussion and exchange at the meeting

figure: dealers conduct discussion and exchange at the meeting

in the future development, Guanhao doors and windows will provide more high-quality resources, products and marketing strategies to help big businesses realize regional chain and corporate operations, let more dealers join Guanhao's tens of millions of doors and windows.

Picture: Group Photo