Deep Plowing Channels, Helping Terminal | Delan Shini Team Went to Yunnan for Investigation and Research!

from:Network date:2022-05-25 reading:1316

In order to further understand the market environment and empower terminals to improve their performance. From May 13 to May 20, 2022, Mr. Delan Shini Wang, with his marketing director Liao Xianhua, office owner any Yuting and marketing support team, drove thousands of miles to Yunnan to conduct research and assistance activities on some specialty stores, we investigated the market demand and made in-depth exchanges and communication on future cooperation.

After more than ten years of precipitation, delanshini doors and windows, now it has strong strength and advantages in production, research and development and marketing. In this survey, President Wang and his team conducted in-depth discussions with distributors on issues such as market trends, product positioning, brand promotion, and business channel expansion, it aims to improve the quality of brand service, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of terminal stores, and achieve better performance breakthroughs.

Through on-the-spot investigation, delanshini's door and window team carefully investigated and collected customers' needs and suggestions on products and services, understand the current business difficulties, development plans, product requirements and other information faced by distributor customers, so as to guide market pricing, product positioning, marketing publicity and so on.