Keep Improving and Help Development | the Third Phase of Yifa Doors and Windows Lean Production Project Is Awarded

from:Network date:2022-05-25 reading:1399

On May 24, 2022, in order to improve and perfect the production management level of Yifa doors and windows and promote the improvement of efficiency and efficiency, the third signing ceremony of Yifa doors and windows lean production project was held ceremoniously in Foshan headquarters. Chen Genhua, assistant general manager of Yifa doors and windows, Chen Yang, director of manufacturing center, director of quality center Hyeon-wo Lee, director of PMC center Li Kangning, director of R & D center Peng Linfeng and other company management attended the signing ceremony, at the same time, we also invited teacher Luo Yijun of Foshan oufeng Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. And teacher Li Hao attend this signing ceremony conference.

■ Yifa doors and windows lean production phase III project licensing group photo

at the signing meeting, Wei Yanyan, Yifa door and window management center, presided over the lean management project and read out the signing process. She said: since the company carried out lean project management in 2020, the company has continuously applied lean management methodology to production, and practiced internal skills to carry out Lean projects to the end.

■ Wei Yanyan, Yifa door and window Management Center

next, I entered the third phase signing ceremony of lean production project and the awarding ceremony of refined and practical methodology. Li Xian, director of Yifa door and window quality center yuhe oufeng consulted teacher Luo Yijun to sign on stage. This contract represents the formal implementation of the lean production project in the third year of Yifa doors and windows, which requires all Yifa personnel to adhere to the lean concept, master lean methods, and independently carry out various work of lean production, provide fruitful help for the implementation and development of Yifa doors and windows lean project.

■ signing and awarding ceremony of Yifa doors and windows lean project

later, Hyeon-wo Lee, director of Yifa door and window Quality Center, explained the progress made by Lean projects from four dimensions: efficiency, cost control, quality and personnel training. He hopes that everyone present will insist on not relaxing and continuously promote lean management methodology to production management; And make achievements on the existing basis, let's make a breakthrough in lean projects, and each production management has a qualitative leap.

■ Director of Yifa door and window quality center Hyeon-wo Lee

facing the changes in the market environment, oufeng consulting teacher Luo said: this lean management project is a good opportunity for every member of Yifa present, through this lean project, we can systematically learn how to operate, how to carry out on-site management, and how to make improvements to reduce costs and inventory waste. He mentioned that only the improvement of management, giving full play to the core advantages of enterprises and continuously promoting lean production are the path of sustainable development. Here, he sincerely wishes Yifa doors and windows to develop better and better in the future.

■ oufeng consulting teacher Luo Yijun

after the signing meeting, accompanied by Chen Yang, the director of the manufacturing center, and Hyeon-wo Lee, the director of the Quality Center, oufeng consulted teacher Luo and teacher Li to inspect the Yifa production workshop and give on-site guidance, through the two teachers putting lean methodology to the demonstration of production management, Yifa family members will continue to improve towards the goal and achieve the goal of improving quality and efficiency.

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in the future, I sincerely hope that Yifa doors and windows can be refreshed through this lean project, and lean management will run through every link of production and project development. I believe that through the implementation of lean production projects, yifa doors and windows will definitely achieve the expected improvement goal!