The 15 Th Anniversary of the Establishment of Shandong Pine and Bamboo Aluminum Co., Ltd. Discussion and Retirement Ceremony Was Held Ceremoniously.

from:Network date:2022-05-25 reading:1634

2022 year5 month24 shandong pine and bamboo Aluminum Co., Ltd. was established15 on the anniversary, the company held a grand ceremony.15 anniversary discussion and retirement ceremony of three comrades, Song Shuchun, Jia Yongxi and Yan Kun.

The three retirees came from sales department, technology department and Finance Department respectively, and were the first batch of retired middle-level cadres since the establishment of the company. In the past 15 years of the company's development process, they have been working together with the company, working conscientiously and selflessly, making outstanding contributions to the development of the company with their loyalty and intelligence, at the retirement ceremony, representatives of various departments sent flowers and sincere wishes to the comrades who retired with honor.

Wang Yong, chairman of the board of directors, presented the company's customized retirement commemorative gifts to retirees. Mr. Wang highly affirmed the positive contribution made by the three old comrades to the development of the company and the important role played in the development of the company. Mr. Wang pointed out that the retirement ceremony was a kind of farewell, a kind of look back, and a witness to the working career of these three comrades. He thanked them for their efforts to the company over the years, and good wishes for future life.

General manager Ji Naibin made a concluding speech, and general manager Ji made a conclusion on the establishment of the company.15 the development since the year has been sorted out in detail, looking back on the past15 the development process of the year is full of hardships; Looking forward to the future development direction, with a hundred times confidence, we will unswervingly move towards the goal.
In the past and now, thank you for growing together with pine and bamboo; In the future, we will continue to cheer together! Time flies, thank you!