100 Years of Great Changes China Wood Industry How to Develop Online Seminar Content Sharing | Building a National Big Market to Promote the Development of High Quality Plate

from:Network date:2022-05-25 reading:1479

On May 18, the online seminar on "how to develop China's wood industry in the 100-year Great change Bureau" sponsored by China timber and wood products Circulation Association was successfully held.

The ancients said, "if the world is not prosperous, it will decline. If the world is not governed, it will retreat". In the post-epidemic era, the traditional manufacturing industry is undergoing a great change that has not been seen in a hundred years. The market situation of the waves and clouds swept us into unprecedented severe challenges. "All things have their own life, best top their own way." Tian Maohua, vice president of Qiannian Zhou Xincai Technology Group Co., Ltd. Building a large national market to promote high-quality development of plates"The theme was shared.

On April 10, 2022, the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the construction of national single market was officially released, providing a program of action and basic compliance for the construction of national single market in the coming period from a global and strategic perspective. "Opinions" made it clear that "strengthening the unification of market basic system rules" is the premise, "promoting high-standard connectivity of market facilities" is the foundation, and "building a unified market of elements and resources" is the guarantee, "Promoting a high level of unification of commodity and service markets" is the goal.

Manufacturing industry is the foundation of a country and a strong country, which fundamentally affects a country's comprehensive strength and international competitiveness. At present, the epidemic is spreading, the global supply chain is facing a crisis of breakage, and the manufacturing industry chain is disordered. Facing the "disorder" of the global manufacturing industry chain and supply chain, the "danger" has been changed to "machine" for thousands of years, adhering to the three aspects of organizational innovation, management innovation and product innovation, through social responsibility, centralized management, the "combination boxing" of capacity stabilization, product functionalization and digital marketing helps the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry.

in 2018, Qiannian Zhou put forward the brand concept of "green healthy home" for the first time at the brand strategy conference, and linked Green Supply, green design, green intelligence, green products, the six dimensions of green service and green public welfare lead the industry to advocate a green and healthy lifestyle.

Among them, green public welfare is [Social responsibility]] the specific embodiment. From "ten years of trees" to benefit one side; To "One Hundred Years of Plastic People", cultivate pillars; Then to support health boards for many hospitals, communities and epidemic prevention projects across the country under the epidemic, encourage group staff and dealer families to actively support local cabin construction, voluntary service and material donation...... Over the years, Millennium boat has done its best to interpret a modern enterprise's sense of responsibility, strong sense of social responsibility and noble humanitarian spirit with practical actions, and will "pursue excellence, give back to the society" eight words to practice to the extreme.

The epidemic not only tests an enterprise's sense of social responsibility, but also poses great challenges to organizational management. In order to effectively block the transmission route of the virus, Millennium boat strictly followed the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, adhered to the "epidemic" line, strengthened killing, and resolutely built a defense line against epidemic; In order to improve the efficiency of nucleic acid normalization detection, qiannian Zhou actively cooperated with the requirements of the government, organized staff to do self-inspection and self-inspection in the park, and provided support and guarantee for local epidemic prevention; In order to protect the life safety of employees under repeated epidemic situations, Qiannian Zhou regularly issued masks, hand sanitizer and other anti-epidemic materials, and simultaneously optimize the employee's home office process to ensure that employees in epidemic areas can work at ease while making online work more efficient and smooth. In addition, the delay of returning to work and returning to production under the influence of epidemic prevention normalization, the difficulty of timely supply of products, and the new cost generated by new marketing models will all lead to the increase of enterprise costs. According to the actual situation, Millennium boat has made a unified procurement plan to meet the most basic production and marketing needs. At the same time, it also fully considers the influence of external factors to improve the accuracy of the budget; In terms of epidemic prevention materials, synchronous control of the optimal number of single purchases, thus reducing storage costs and conducting all-round cost control, truly achieved centralized management].

In the era of digital economy, enterprises are facing huge environmental changes, and production and consumption have entered the stage from "quantity" to "quality. This requires enterprises to innovate their own production and management mechanisms, through lean production and efficiency improvement, reduce costs and increase efficiency, to achieve [Capacity stabilization]]. Since 2016, Qiannian Zhou has built aosiboen intelligent factories in Rizhao city in Shandong province, Linyi Yicheng and other places to realize automatic, intelligent and stable green production. Relying on sophisticated core technology and perfect supply and demand mechanism, intelligent factories have achieved steady development; The specially established supplier assistance mechanism is becoming more and more perfect in the practical operation process; Planning and opening up separate logistics routes, ensure the smooth completion of the closed loop of logistics system and route planning; Comfortable and efficient independent space helps maximize productivity benefits.

in the era of great health, people's demand for "healthy decoration" is increasing day by day. On the 11th of last year, the two new national standards of man-made Board environmental protection level, which were formulated by Qiannian Zhou, were officially implemented. For the first time, the definition of ENF grade plate was proposed and clarified, that is, formaldehyde emission ≤ 0.025mg/m & sup3;; however, as early as four years ago, the natural fragrance of the bean ecological board developed and produced by Millennium boat has tested that the formaldehyde emission ≤ 0.018mg/m & sup3;, and the environmental performance of the product is better than today's ENF level, the product research and development of Millennium boat has always been in the forefront of the industry. Not long ago, focusing on the changes in market demand under the influence of the epidemic, Millennium boat held an online conference, which was the first to promote "Zinc-effect antibacterial technology" in the industry ", and join hands with wood Cultural and Creative Industry National Innovation Alliance, National health industry Enterprise Management Association antibacterial industry branch, Zhongguancun Huizhi antibacterial New Material Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, search door Network released the white paper on the application of zinc antibacterial plates for indoor environment, which once again set off an industry boom. "One Thousand Years boat ENF grade zinc effect antibacterial plate, not only environmental protection!" This is not only a slogan, but also a declaration that the Millennium boat challenges higher standards and more demands. It is also a Millennium boat. [Product functionalization]] A milestone in development.

This online conference made the industry and consumers see a different Millennium boat, which is also a Millennium boat. Marketing digitization] A phased answer sheet submitted. The research report shows that the market scale and growth rate of China's home improvement industry have maintained a steady rise, and the age structure of users has gradually become "younger". The Z era is about to become the main consumer of home improvement, which means that the digital marketing transformation is urgent, it also puts forward higher requirements for channels and brands. The internal transformation is the internal Awakening and the cultivation of internal skills. Today, with the normalization of the network and the digitalization of the whole nation, the brand communication of Millennium boat has gradually moved from traditional offline to online, such as investment promotion activities and training activities, in the process of exploration, the Millennium boat gradually formed a set of its own "live broadcast methodology", and constantly optimized and refined. At the same time, Qiannian boat officially entered the gathering platform of young groups such as Xiaohongshu and B station this year. According to relevant research reports, interesting content planting grass has gradually become one of the reasons why young people are most willing to pay for decoration. To this end, Millennium boat has created a new self-media matrix operation mode of 1 + N + X, and continuously outputs high-quality content from all dimensions by operating a series of brand official accounts; at the same time, we will gradually carry out N (that is, national IP) incubation training camp to build exclusive private positions of the brand; And through tools such as live broadcast and short video, we will get through X (that is, distributors) and fully empower terminals, build a private traffic system.

the Arbor Pavilion is leaning against the sky, and it is full of wind and rain. For 23 years, the Millennium boat has always adhered to the original intention of "building a good board for the people", focusing on deepening and promoting the high-quality development of the board and continuously improving the brand marketing power. The movement of Dapeng is not the light of a feather; The speed of being slow is not enough. In the not distant future, I believe that the Millennium boat will assume greater social responsibilities with a more confident attitude, actively implement the double carbon policy, vigorously promote the furniture to the countryside, and realize the beautiful vision of green development. If the channel resistance is long, the line will arrive; If the line is not ignored, it will be available in the future. There must be some twists and turns on the road ahead, but it must also be full of infinite hope!

Introduction to Millennium boat

With the research and development, production and sales of multi-category medium and high-end plates, Millennium Boat Group is committed to providing end consumers with green, environmentally friendly, high quality decorative plates and their supporting products, and actively customizing home furnishing, business extension such as assembled building wooden components.

Based on the changes in the plate industry and the downstream consumer market, the company actively laid out the capacity construction of OSB, LSB and particleboard, and introduced continuous flat pressure automatic production lines and production processes. In Rizhao city in Shandong province, jiancheng has built production bases for related products, completed the strategic layout of the company's own production capacity, and helped the company in carbon peak, the goal of carbon neutralization promotes differentiated capacity advantages under the background of the application of low-carbon bamboo building materials such as OSB.