Fusion Evolution · Breaking New Students | 2022 China Customized Doors and Windows High Quality Development Forum Successfully Held in Foshan, China

from:Network date:2022-06-08 reading:1462

On the afternoon of June 6, 2022, it was guided by Guangdong customized home furnishing Association and Guangdong wardrobe Industry Association. It was hosted by the track creative, with the overall title of Peacock spraying, Han lion light moving Technology, the theme co-organized by German Kule hardware is "fusion Evolution · breaking new students" 2022 the Forum on high-quality development of customized doors and windows in China was successfully held in Foshan, China, and the media in the window and window vision tracked the whole process.

Before the official start of the Forum, Wu Guohong, president of Foshan Doors and windows Industry Association and chairman of shengbaoluo home furnishing group, Zeng Yong, secretary general of Guangdong customized home furnishing Association, secretary general of Guangdong doors and windows Association, Zhuang Weiping, chairman of xingguangyang aluminum industry, xin Daan, chairman of bonyuan's customized home furnishing, and other industry leaders delivered a speech.

Subsequently, under the Energy Empowerment of mogul of all doors and windows industry, the "2022 customized doors and windows high quality development Forum" was officially launched.

Huang Ronggao, chairman of Ronggao doors and windows, gave a keynote speech on "insight into new opportunities · Zhisheng new future"; He Mini Fan, chairman of Peacock spraying, gave a speech on the theme of "riding the wind and Breaking the Waves" and introduced new products, the new product is suitable for Windows in coastal areas, with anti-corrosion function and 12-hour automatic repair function; Su Zhiyang, general manager of Hanshi optical technology, ding Zhenwei, chairman of German Culler hardware, is divided into keynote speeches on "China dream of light moving world" and "wisdom hardware makes work and life simpler.

Then, the high-profile forum came. Wu Guohong, chairman of shengbaoluo home furnishing group, Feng Zuoxing, president of xinhaoxuan doors and windows, Yu Jiayou, vice president of doors and windows Hennessy, Zeng Yong, secretary general of Guangdong customized home furnishing Association, Jia Weizhen, deputy general manager of Yihe doors and windows, jiang Chen, general manager of laoca customized home business department, Zhou Yunqiang, general manager of Zhijian center of Times China Holding Group, and other seven mogul inside and outside the door and window industry held thematic dialogues, explaining their understanding of integration, and the idea of how door and window enterprises break the new bureau.

New media operation has become one of the important ways for door and window enterprises to promote, and "how to play with new media marketing" is another topic that has attracted much attention. Chen Ying, general manager of Yifa doors and windows, Ye Yangyong, general manager of Deji Youpin doors and windows brand, Xiao Dongmei, president of Bangyuan famous craftsman customized home, Chi Yunyun, brand director of Boshi doors and windows, ma Haohua, deputy director of door and window marketing of OU Zhe, and others mogul analyzed the preferences and demands of consumer groups in the current market, and shared the uniqueness of new media and how to use new media to achieve overtaking in corners, how short video content captures consumer preferences, how to produce high-quality content, etc.

At the end of the Forum, Wu Guohong, the chairman of the San baoruo home furnishing group, issued the official partner plaque of the Forum for He mini fan, the chairman of Peacock spraying, Su Zhiyang, the general manager of Hanshi optical technology, and Ding Zhenwei, the chairman of German Kule hardware, thank you for your strong support for this forum.

At the end of the Forum, each guest took a group photo to draw a successful end to this forum activity.