Paying Tribute to Excellence and Learning from Examples | Janus's Monthly Production and Marketing Meeting and Commendation Meeting in May Was Successfully Held

from:Network date:2022-06-08 reading:1358

On June 7, the monthly production and sales meeting and commendation meeting of Janus doors and windows in May was successfully held. The meeting summarized the production and sales in May and commended the outstanding employees in May.

It is reported that since the beginning of the year, the domestic building materials and home furnishing industry has achieved counter-trend growth due to the comprehensive pressure of declining market demand, rising costs, and the superposition of epidemic diseases, among which Janus has achieved an ultra-high growth rate in May. The selection of "excellent employees of the month" is intended to form a competitive atmosphere of "learning from excellence" within the company through the exemplary role of example, further promoting incremental efficiency.

This selection of "outstanding employees of the month" has been selected layer by layer through multiple links such as departmental selection and democratic voting. Eight outstanding people such as Liang Haolin in the business department stand out.

Summary Meeting Site

liang Jinrui, general manager of marketing of the company, and Kuang Yihui, director of production factory, presented awards to outstanding employees and encouraged them to make persistent efforts. At the same time, they expected more family members to stand on the podium, accept applause and blessings from all family members together.

Mr. Liang shared the three keywords of "unity", "responsibility" and "example. Mr. Liang said that the company's growth against the trend cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of all employees and partners. With the full implementation of the brand's new VI image, the completion of the headquarters's 1000-square-meter "Internet celebrity Exhibition Hall" and the launch of a new wave of competitive products, the company will welcome new development opportunities. From June, the company will focus on product research and development, brand packaging, store training, order service, after-sales service, etc., empower Terminal Stores and promote the overall speed of enterprises.

General Liang I hope everyone can be like treat your own doors and windows, treat every process, do every detail carefully to ensure "zero complaints".