Nanshan Aluminum Company Successfully Completed the Results Conference of the Technical Research and Quality Management Team in 2022.

from:Network date:2022-06-11 reading:1578

A few days ago, the 2022 annual conference on the results of the technical research and quality management team held by Nanshan Aluminum Management and Control Center ended. 15 teams from 7 enterprises in the aluminum sector won awards.

It is understood that the participating units of this press conference involve seven units of Nanshan Aluminum sector, and a total of 30 achievements have been registered for participation. After layer-by-layer screening, fifteen achievements of the project have been confirmed and released, it is the session with the largest number of participating units and publishing results over the years. The subject involves production technology, quality improvement, equipment optimization, cost control, safety, environmental protection, human resources, measurement, testing and other aspects closely focus on the hot and difficult points of improving quality and efficiency of the company, taking solving problems as the starting point and serving the needs of the company's development.

2022 is a key year for the group company to deepen lean management, promote continuous improvement and effectively improve its operation capability. In order to implement the guiding opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on carrying out quality improvement actions, continuously stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to participate in quality improvement and innovation, and help promote the high-quality development of Nanshan Aluminum industry, nanshan Aluminum management and control center will continue to carry out QC group activities in depth, implement the brand development strategy, hold high the banner of quality, seek the way of quality, comprehensively apply various functions, and make every effort to build a new era of quality development, implement all measures to reduce the operating cost and continuously improve the operation and management level of the company.